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Reyna's POV

Ever since Jason left I have feared being alone. It's not so much as fear as to when I'm alone I have this pit in my stomach as if something or someone is missing and my heart feels like it's getting slowly crushed into a fine dust by my rib cage and the only way to stop it is to find someone anyone who can calm me down.

I'm sad all the time but do not want to burden people with my sadness I do not want to explain why I am so sad all the time so I stay quiet and act happy. I do not like Aleria seeing me on my bad days but what am I to do? Since Jason left me I had been feeling quite hollow and empty as if there were nothing to look forward to in life. Except Aleria.

She was my constant. My rock. The only thing holding me together. She was my daughter. Her father was no longer in the picture and it was us... Just us..

I liked it that way. It allowed her to be strong and fend for herself and now she's such an independent young girl.. Her and her friend Ryan remind myself of Jason and I but then again I see the way Miles looks at her. With this affection not even he himself realizes yet. Something clicked between them and the only way to know what it was is to talk to someone who knew love.

Venus herself.

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