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Reyna's POV

The business Jason and I had ended around five and I had to go do something so he went to go to the old weapons shed. He said he wanted to go train again since he was after all pretty rusty at fighting since he hadn't had someone to fight against fairly in such a long time. Tomorrow we were to spare and well I wasn't worried.

Not only that but I had someone to meet. An old enemy of mine. The goddess of love herself. Venus.

"Hello?" I called out just past the boarder of camp.

"Hello Reyna" I heard a voice yet didn't see the goddess herself. "I need to know why Jason and his son are here" I said without even asking please. To be honest I still hated the goddess of love. Her daughter had taken away Jason then hurt him not to mention everyone I had ever loved left me. Everyone except Aleria who I was still thankful for everyday.

"Well isn't it obvious? Your lost love comes back just as your daughter starts falling in love with his son it's a choice Reyna. You can make sure your daughter is happy with her new found love or you can be happy with your returned love" I could hear the smug smile on the goddess' lips

This couldn't be happening. Of course I want my daughter happy but Jason... Jason is here and it's jugs like old times.. I couldn't believe this... How could I chose?

Sorry this is horribly short!!

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