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Y/n's POV

" Remind me again why you have to come with me?"

I frowned as we walked through the streets, making our way to the grocery store

"Your mom asked me to, don't you remember"

Flashback(2nd person)

After all the running and yelling you and Lawless sat on the couch exhausted.

" Giving up already (y/n)-tan? That's sad."

He teased while panting

"Shut up bastard or you're dead for real.."

You suddenly heard footsteps coming from the stairs,it was your mother bringing her wallet in her hands,she went to your direction and handed out (amount) yen.

"What's this for mom?"

You asked.

"Your Father won't be around for tonight I'm gonna need you to go grocery shopping for now, here's what you need to buy."

She gave you a list with 7 items on it. You stood up and reached for the door until the voice of your mother made you stop.

"Oh..and bring your friend with you (y/n)"

"HELL NO!!!!"

"Come on (y/n)-tan,it can't be that bad"

Said Lawless



"And Also, your mom thought you could use some help on bringing the groceries"

I added

" Seriously! There are only 7 items on the fucking list!!! Why the hell do I need any help!!"

"Because your arms might be tired from all that knife swinging"

*sigh* (y/n)-tan really reminds me of litch, except she doesn't kick me,she just tries to stab me..which is more scarier😱..I miss those days ... But even so,no eve could ever replace Ophelia. Angel-chan may have made me realize things,but.. Nothing could fill the void that Ophelia left in me when she died....

"Ok... We're here Lawless"

She said as we entered inside the grocery store. She grabbed a shopping cart and shoved the list on my face.

"Maybe you could assist me on something, like dictating what's on the list so we could get this over with..."

Man~, can't she be polite for once!!
Now I actually forgot why I even wanted this girl to be my eve,at first I thought she was a nice person, I mean she helped out a hedgehog when she stepped on it,And by it I mean me!,the contract between us isn't even permanent yet, oh well...if the contract does become permanent, I'll just kill her if I get sick of her....As simple as that.....(A/N- sorry you guys😸😸)

Somebody call the firemen!!!
Call the police!!!

Suddenly a huge explosion occurred, the whole place was filled with smoke and Broken walls, everyone was running and screaming for help.I turned to my side to see if (y/n) was still there...

"You alright there (y/n)-tan?"

"*cough* *cough* yeah,but my throat isn't though*cough*"

"Attention everyone!!!"

Said an anonymous voice from the speakers

" This is a terrorist attack so if you even think about calling the police we're killing the hostages right here and now!!!"

Hold on ...hostages?...

"Let's get out already (y/n)-tan...(y/n)-tan?

She ran into the smokey isles,I wonder what she's up to? Oh well ~ .I might as well go after her, I can't have them kill her, there won't be much fun if someone does it for me right~

(Y/n)'s POV

I immediately ran into the smokey isles... the terrorists didn't want us call the police, and even if one of us secretly called the police, when they hear them coming they'll kill the hostages..there's no other choice..nobody else wants to do it...I mean they all ran away...I have to be the one to save them..(A/n: playing the part of the maHERO huh?...)

" wait up doggie-chan!!!"

Shouted a voice from behind me...Lawless?..

"Lawless!? What are you doing here!!?"

"Come on (y/n)-tan~, you'll die if you go by yourself~"

"And why the hell do you care?"

"Well you see....never mind"

He laughed

"What are you up to anyway?"

He added

"Ugh! What else!! I'm gonna get those hostages outta there!!"

"You're that stupid aren't ya!"

He yelled in a angry tone..that was different.. I've never seen him that serious before...

"You can't just run away like that on your own bakka!! How can you llll them by yourself there might be more than a few terrorists ya know.."

"Well I guess this time I'm glad that you're here!"

I grabbed a knife from the kitchen ware isle with Lawless walking beside me

"Doggie-chan! You do know where they are right?"

"If I were to think like a terrorist I'd hide my hostages somewhere no one could think of..."

"What are you children doing here!!"

Yelled a woman coming to our direction.

" where'd you come from miss?"

I asked

" I came from garden tools department, the terrorists held us captive there..please get out of here before they capture you!"

The woman then ran away without another word. I turned to Lawless and grabbed his hand without hesitation and ran with full speed, though I can't help but notice that Lawless looked so surprised when I held his hand...though he looks quite adorable whena He's blushing...wait whaa!!!
Never mind about that...

#timeskip#: in the garden tools department :

"There they are!"

I whispered.

"Hey you!!"

I turned to Lawless


"I didn't say anything (y/n)-tan"

If it wasn't him then who....

"You girl with the knife, and some nerdy dude with the really long scarf! Hands up or I'll shoot you!"

"Hey I'm not a nerd!!!"

Said Lawless

"Of course you're not"

"Aww...thanks (y/n)-tan"

"It's because you're a bastard..."

"You're so mean!!!"

"Shut up!!! Both of you!!!, if you move another muscle I'll shoot you!!"

Oh boy...that was of the terrorists caught us...

To be continued..

Lawless (Greed) x  EVE!!! reader (( DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now