HEWO Daddy

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Hello everyonnne~ ! it's been a while! I wanted to update last week but my little sister was banned from using cellphones for 5 days and for some stupid reason I got involved!!! I started making this chapter the next week after those 5 days...Anyway here's the 6th chapter and something's gonna be revealed in this one ...so hope y'all like it!! ;)
Anyway I forgot to mention in this book reader-chan is 17. Carry on ..


(Y/n's) POV

Me and Lawless finally got home, though he still looks like he was ran over by a monster truck.. Anyway..it's already 9:00 p.m, It was because on the way out police were everywhere interviewing the hostages so we decided to go on a different route home and also Lawless wanted to get some ice cream suggesting that it could help heal his wounds faster...I WASTED MY MONEY FOR NOTHING!!! Ehem.. OK... I'm over it...
I reached for the doorknob with my hands shivering in fear...if my mom finds out about what happened to us she is gonna freak out!! And because of that incident we couldn't buy food....

I opened the door only to see the living room in pitch black...I just hope they didn't go savage because of starvation 😑😑🙍...

"OK Lawless the coast is clear"

"Are you sure (y/n)-tan..I could feel a very disturbing aura in here.."


Oh crap...that happened fast...

"Why are the two of you so late!!!"

Asked my Angry mother..I. Am. So. Doomed...

"Heeey mom~... You look beautiful tonight~..is that the effect of this new facial wash you've been using?"

"Awww.. Thank yo-...wait a second... OH NO, YOU ARE NOT USING THAT TRICK ON ME AGAIN YOUNG LADY!!!!"


Mom stared at Lawless noticing all the marks and bruises on his body, she then turned her attention to me

"What happened to Lawless? Did you actually STAB HIM FOR REAL!?!"

"(*whispers*) now whatever you do, we can't tell mom about 'that incident' OK?"

Lawless grinned and did a thumbs up in response

Mom stared at my clothes and gasped at the sight of it...I didn't really notice this until now that my clothes looked like a chemical experiment blew on it...

"YOU LOOK SO DIRTY!!! That's it! I've had enough! Where have you two been all this time!!!

Me and Lawless stared at each other hoping one of us has a good made-up excuse...I started out first

" ummm...mom... The truth is.... We"


Lawless continued.

"Hit by a..."

"............. Bus....."


What the fuck was that! That was the stupidest excuse I've ever heard.....😑😑

"(*sweat drops*) a bus?..SERIOUSLY!?!".

" come on (y/n)-tan~....t
What else was I supposed to say?! Zombie Apocalypse, Cow, Flying building, A monster truck,and a TERRORIST ATTACK!!!"

"I have to admit the zombie Apocalypse was better...BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE A ONE!!!"

Lawless (Greed) x  EVE!!! reader (( DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now