chapter 14: prom and jail

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I got the kids dressed:

once the kids were dressed I heard Jughead, "Mom I need help the prom is tonight and I

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once the kids were dressed I heard Jughead, "Mom I need help the prom is tonight and I...don't have a tux." i chuckled softly as I groaned, "I have a suit that might fit you, it was for my friends wedding her son was about your size." He nodded as I went into my extra room getting it. "Here Jug." He smiled hugely. "Can I keep it here at least til dinner with dad and Betty's parents." I held in a laugh knowing the history between Betty's mom and himself. "well have fun with that Jughead." he just smiled at me. "So they want you to go as well; with Delta and FJ." I groaned. "Fine." I said as he chuckled. 

-Later that night-

I waited for FP to get here as I was already dressed. 

I looked at FP who walked into the bedroom as i put the finishing touches on my makeup; he smiled hugely as he whispered sexily in my ear

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I looked at FP who walked into the bedroom as i put the finishing touches on my makeup; he smiled hugely as he whispered sexily in my ear. "Can't wait til this is done and the kids are in bed." i smirked and got my heels on. We walked out as Jug seen me and his jaw dropped. I chuckled a bit. Delta didn't want to change so she and FJ stayed in the same clothes. We all gathered in my car as Delta giggled. "Fast car yay!" Smiling FP turned the car on and we left the Southside. My phone beeped. I looked at it to see a message from Sweet Pea. 

Sweets: Hey when the boss and you are done he told me to pick up the kids Tony and I  are going to babysit my mom said it was okay because its not Serpent related. 

Me: we will drop them off tell your mom that my trailer is unlocked I have bottled breast-milk in there alright? Please be careful with the kids I trust you but at times you guys get too rowdy with the kids.

FP took my phone n chuckled. I rolled my eyes taking and putting it back into my purse. We got to the Coopers house and I groaned I hated the Coopers well all except Polly and Betty. Betty ran out smiling and got Delta and FJ from the car once we parked making Jug laugh running after her. "Hey FP." Alice said as she smiled sarcastically. "Hey Alice you remember Scarlet? My wife." he said making her scoff slightly. "Your 'wife' drove your first one away. My bestfriend." I sighed softly. "If its going to be like this all night Alice we all can leave including Jughead." her eyes grew as she shook her head. "No that would break my daughter." I nodded before I pushed through her and went into the house. "Mommy guess what?" she said as I looked at her smiling. "What love?" She giggled and smiled, "The Coopers gave me my own room her!" I stopped as I turned to see Hal and Alice frozen and FP fuming." "What?" I asked deadly as Alice smirked at me. "Oh i forgot to tell you Hal and I put papers into the court to get custody of your kids. Part Lodge and Part Jones they need someone stable." 

"Jughead put MY kids in my car, it's time to go." I said as he said a soft sorry to Betty as she looked upset at her parents. "I can't believe you! Both of you!" she yelled I kissed FP's cheek. "I'll see you after word." He nodded and looked at Alice and Hal angry. "See you later i'll have one of the kiddos from the bar drop off my bike." I nodded. I walked out getting into my car after saying goodbye to Jug. I headed over to Sweat Peas and dropped the kids off saying a quiet thank you. I got home poured myself some Vodka with Grape juice (sorry Delta). After a while FP came in seeing my face he frowned. "I talked them out of it." I nodded as he took my drink away as he led me to the bedroom. we had some fun. 

When we were finished I showered putting on my robe while FP answered the door, I walked into the living room to see him getting arrested. I screamed as everyone looked at me. "Sorry but he is being charged with the murder of Jason Blossom." Sheriff Kellar said with the rude Mayor behind him.  I scoffed, "You don't have any proof Sheriff." I said as the Mayor called one of the deputies to show me the "gun" my jaw dropped I know FP didn't kill Jason. "I will meet you at the jail...I have to talk to someone first." I said darkly as everyone looked at me shocked but FP who smirked. 

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