c. thirty three

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I turned my attention once more to the lycans infront of me, staring at each one of them blankly. 

"Celeste?" Sebastian asked. I blinked. And he sighed and looked down. He turned towards the crowd and uttered some words I hadn't bothered listening to, and everyone had began to shuffle away. I felt a hand place itself in the small of my back, and the warmth it breathed into me let me know who it was and Benjamin and Catori formed an almost protective convoy around me as I was led through the corridors. 

I was led into a room with a warm fire, and I immediately gravitated towards it, wrapping my arms around myself as the warmth seeped through my blood stained clothes. I looked around the room, and when I found Nero to be absent, did I speak.

"All he tried to do was help me, and they killed him."

There was silence, I assumed they wanted me to continue. I stared aimlessly into the flames and allowed the memories to flow from my mind through my mouth as I told them of the tragedy that had just happened. I saw the way Sebastian flinched as I told him of how Toby had claimed to love me, and yet he too still held sympathy in his eyes.

I laughed a bitter laugh and the three turned to me, their curiosity piqued. 

"A few months ago, I'd have died to hear Toby say that, and now he died telling me that," I said, and I cursed the irony of life, although I knew I'd never trade anything in the world for what I had with the lycans, and most of all Sebastian. It was indescribable bond, and I'd die before I gave it up.

"He wouldn't have been allowed to," Sebastian said with a sigh, sitting in a chair of green leather, his legs spread and his hand easing his creased brow. "There is a law in my land, forbidding love between wolves and humans."

I raised a brow in question, and he offered a small smile. "More often than not, it causes more problems than good, but in honour of Tobias, that will be no more."

I too smiled a broken smile, and he stood from his seat, his hand once more finding itself rested in the small of my back, as he gently led me through a door in the small lounge we'd been sat in. Benjamin and Celeste nodded towards Sebastian, and I imagined they'd been communicating as they both left and parted ways. In the room Sebastian had led me too, was a small golden headed shower, and a pastel coloured marble sink. Sebastian stood himself in a corner, and I was too tired to contest him.  

I reached forward, twisting the crystal nob, turning it all the way to the hot side, hoping to burn away the memories of the night that had barely just begun. As the steam begin to condense on the showers glass walls, I stripped down to nothing, and I heard Sebastian's breath hitch in the corner and I couldn't help the heat that rose to my cheeks. But now was not the time not the moment, and the water burned my skin as I stepped into the shower, and I hissed as I stepped inside, but I liked it. The pain was no greater than that which rested in my heart. Tobias was dead. My parents were not. Esmerelda had been raising a child, albeit poorly, that wasn't her own. So, I let myself burn, for it was a peaceful moment to think about the pain all over my body rather than that in my heart and mind.


By the time I'd finished in the shower, Sebastian was gone, and atop the edge of the sink lay a large white button up shirt, with a familiar lingering scent that put a smile on my face, as well as a simple pair of smooth grey leggings. I wrapped myself in the smooth cotton shirt, and slid my legs into the leggings he'd left for me, before focusing on the buzz of chatter I could hear from the hall. Eventually, after wandering aimlessly through the halls, I'd come to a set of grand double doors, and as I entered, silence followed. The room housed a large oval table, and the smooth marble glistening in the lights of the chandeliers that watched from above. Beside Sebastian was an empty space, but at this point in time, closeness was what I wanted so as I walked towards him, he'd extended a hand and pulled out my chair, however I slid myself snugly into his lap. I imagined this wasn't customary as I noticed the shocked faces around the table, but Sebastian didn't care. Instead he placed a kiss to my forehead and returned the chair to where he had pulled it from. Conversation resumed.

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