Chapter 4

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Julian's POV

It was about 3:00 already, and all I could do was sit on my bed and think. I had a blunt in my hand but it hadn't touched my lips. No. Not like Eden's lips did. What was it about her? Something struck me when she mentioned me going to college. Of course I couldn't. My family's broke and I've been assured that I am pretty stupid, at least I know it. But something about that faith she gave me. That I could. I could try out for the football team. I've always been pretty good. At least I think. My door opened and my mom walked through. Great. Exactly the inspiration I could use.

"What'd you want," I asked smugly.

"Just wanted to know where you fucked her. Don't know which sheets I should clean," she replied with a disgusted look on her face.

"What the hell, mom? I didn't touch her!" I yelled.

"Oh yeah sure. I know every time you're here when the babysitter is you do it. What? Is she different? Did your super powers not work on the slut?" She teased gruelingly.

"Don't call her a slut! She's not a slut!" I yelled standing up. "Now get the fuck out of my room!" She stared at me and then made her way over all my stuff on the ground.

"What a disgrace," she murmured, loud enough for me to hear.

I slammed the door shut as soon as she left. And threw myself back onto the bed. Taking a long drag from the blunt. Eden was different. I don't know how. But she was. She's incredibly beautiful. All I wanted to do all night was run my finger through her sandy brown, curly hair. Her hazel eyes were so deep, so endless. They had timeless wisdom in them. I couldn't stand my mother accusing me of pulling a move on her. Not her. Yeah I've done it before, but just that kiss seemed like a huge move on her. Me thinking that is very unlike my usual thinking. I could feel the soft high coming over me, leading me to sleep. A sleep that guaranteed dreams of Eden...


"So, you're telling me you didn't get her number, you don't know where she lives, and you don't know her last name?" J.T. restated for the third time.

"I thought we already established that," I replied.

"Yeah. We did. Now that's all cool for a hookup, but not if you want to see this girl again. What's her name again?"

"Eden," I said again. J.T. is probably the least helpful person I could've told about this.

"She's a junior, too. Right?"

"I don't know!" I finally said, frustrated. "I don't know her age, grade, last name, or if she even goes to my school! For all I know she could live in Connecticut. I just don't know!"

"Whoa," J.T. said, putting his hands up in defense, "calm down. We know she must live somewhere in Boston if she was willing to go to your house to babysit. You mentioned she's definitely not high class, so that narrows down any of those rich neighborhoods. What's so special about this girl, anyways? You just met her."

"I don't know," I muttered, my head buried in my hands. I looked back up at J.T. "It's just this feeling I had. It was weird. A really weird feeling I ain't ever felt around someone before."

"I think you just smoked something weird before you got home, bro," he remarked.

"Naw, I was sober. I'd barely even had a drink. The party was a bust," I said.

"Hey they're coming," J.T. said, pointing at the abandoned drug store around the corner. A group of guys were walking towards us. They were obviously my older brothers gang, but I didn't see him. I saw Hewitt, Nock, Grey, Langdon, and Ramirez, but my brother, who's practically their leader was missing.

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