Chapter 9

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The next two weeks seemed to go by very smoothly. The relationship was budding and fresh. We were still in that adorable stage. I haven't been in any really long relationships, so I don't know how long it takes for that to die out. The longest one was about 3 months, and that was just kinda ok. I didn't really like the guy. I mean, he was great, but the feelings weren't mutual. Ray was in a relationship for a year. It only ended once he graduated. It never seemed to die down, though. The loved each other and she was absolutely devastated when she had to let him go. That's why dating older guys always ends up biting you in the ass.

Julian started going on the bus with me and would walk me home. He still hadn't met my mom. He was pretty sure she'd hate him. I kept trying to tell him she wouldn't, but he was convinced that the mother of something as amazing as me wouldn't let his daughter settle for him. Of course, it was just his mind messing with him. Tyler was officially dating Ray, which made me incredibly happy. We gave him an informal invitation to her party, since we'd already sent them out. By informal, I mean I just told him he had to come. So I guess I more forced than invited him. Whatever, he was cool with it. The party was going great, everything was set up, it being a a few days away.

Julian's mom knew about us, so, she decided maybe having me babysit wouldn't work out anymore. I understood completely. I would come over sometimes after school. She was much better. She seemed like shed been uplifted. Julian says his dad is doing very well with the business and his mom finally got a job at a hair salon. They were working their asses off to pay off Reid's bail. Julian still hadn't introduced me to any of his friends, which, apparently, is a good thing.

"So," I started, sitting down next to Julian on the bus, "we literally have three days until the party. I swear she suspects something. She's been acting way too weird. Haven't you noticed that? She's been kind of distant and she just kinda nods at everything!" He held my arms down and kissed me.

"I think you need to calm down," he said, looking into my eyes. I sat back into the seat and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess so. But I've been working on this for the past month. I just want it to work out."

"And it will. But if you keep stressing out, the chances that something will go wrong seem a lot higher. Don't you think?" He looked down at my head and slipped his arm around my shoulder.

"Mhmmm," I hummed. We were sitting in the front seats near our bus driver, Delaya.

"So, what are you getting her?" He asked.

"Oh!" I said sitting up immediately, "I got her possibly the most amazing present I could think of."

"And it is...?"

"I got her and I tickets to LA, just in time for an audition!"

"Seriously? Like an actual audition for a movie?" He asked immediately. I nodded with a closed smile stretching a across my face.

"And guess what movie?"


"Sulfur Heart!" I said over excitedly. He nodded with his mouth still in a smile, looking kind of confused.

"You don't know what that is, do you?" I asked.

"Nope," he replied honestly.

"It's a best-selling book about this drug addict girl who accidentally is involved in the murder of her boyfriend, even though she didn't do it. The only person who can help her is her father and he eventually helps her off of drugs and she meets a guy she like falls in love with and it's amazing and I should shut up now..."

"Whoa," he said, "that sounds pretty intense. And you do realize you're sixteen, right?"

"Yeah. I mean, I'm not really expecting to get the part. Not even a call back. It's just gonna be really exciting to be there. You know?"

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