//Chapter Three//

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We walked with small steps just so the time could go on longer. Tord continuously smiled as he looked around the city streets, "I haven't ever been out this late! It's so... So..."

He paused to think deeply. I chuckled and gave him a word, "Beautiful? Amazing? Magnificent?"

The shorter male looked up at me with red cheeks from the cold before dipping his head into a nodded, "Yes! All of those." His arms swayed back and forth.

I shook my head with a smile, 'So childish you are.'

A large blinking sign caught my eye and I turned my gaze up to read it aloud, "Blossom's Corner Café..."

Tord looked at me with curiousity, "Hm?"

I pointed up and his eyes followed my finger before making an 'o' shape with his lips. He turned back to me with a small smile before grabbing my hand and pulling me in the direction of the small corner café.

I grunted in surprise and allowed myself to be pulled by the shorter male, "Come on! I haven't had a cup of tea and a muffin in a long time! It is sure to be nice!"

I chuckle as we walk in, "Okay, Okay..." I walked forward, and Tord seems to suddenly fall behind me, holding my arm nervously. I look down to him and he points towards the people in the café at the moment.

A confused expression takes over my face as I look up in realization. About seven people were staring in our direction. I remembered earlier that day. 'He has social anxiety... Doesn't he..?'

I glare at the people as we shuffle to a booth. Tord sat across from me, a blush of embarrasment on his face. He seemed to be able to squeak some words from below the nervousness, "I'm super sorry... I-It's just..." He rubbed his neck with his mouth remaining open, "ugh- I've been like this since a humiliating thing happened when I was seventeen..."

I nodded in an understanding manner, "Hey! It is perfectly fine. How about we talk about something else... Like..." I thought for a moment, "...How did you and Edd meet?"

Tord's whole mood seemed to change at the mention of Edd. He smiled widely, "Well... We met in middle school! In art class specifically! H-He was really kind!" His face became red as he thought.

I felt something hit me. Right through the heart. I brushed it off, "Tord... Do you like Edd?"

His eyes widened at that question. He waited for a moment before bursting into laughing. I felt stupid. I don't know why though.

When his laughs calmed down he huffed and wiped a fake tear, "No! Not anymore. We dated for about two years in highschool, but we realized we weren't well... Too well matched." He put his hands together and set his chin on them, his elbows propping them up.

I facepalmed, "Of course... Jehovah I'm sorry..."

Tord perked up and giggled, "You're a jehovah's witness?"

"Well... Mostly." I smiled softly and shrugged, "I don't follow some of the rules, but... That is fine."

The small male in red smiled and nodded his head, "Yeah. That is fine."


Sorry for the shortness of this chapter, but I really need to relieve some stress at the moment. What better way to do that than to write? :>

Meet Me At Midnight//TomTordWhere stories live. Discover now