//Chapter Seven//

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All four of us sat at the table eating. It would have been something normal, but then again, there's usually three of us, not four. Edd apparently convinced Tord to stay for a month, mainly to help him with all of his problems. At least fix them maybe. Something around that. He's been here for a week now. He told us it was difficult to persuade his two best friends to allow it, but they agreed.

We all ate our own meals. I ate toast, Matt ate an omelet, Edd ate scrambled eggs, and Tord ate bacon. It was mostly silent except for an occasional mumble from the short red-hooded male across from me, or the cough of one of us four choking on our meals.

I decided to break the silence with some words, "So.. How did everyone sleep last night?" I clasped my hands together and set my chin against them.

Edd gave me a wide grin, "I slept great.." His smile dropped, "Until the middle of the night..."

My gaze shifted to Tord who set down his food and looked down in shame. I felt bad. Through the eight days he has been here, five of the times he had awoken from a nightmare. He would cry loudly or wail. I would feel bad every morning after the night for not doing anything to help him. Especially since he looked worse by day.

Matt patted Tord's back in reassurance, causing the shorter male to flinch. "Hey, Tord... It's fine! Edd's just- He's tired."

Tord looked like he was going to smile for the beginning, until Matt mentioned Edd being tired. This is one of those moments I wished I were closer to the Norski, because he stood up from the table and walked away without a word. Edd stood to follow, but I refused to let him handle this. Not this time.

I grabbed one of his wrists and he looked at me in confusion. "Edd, Let me try to talk to him this time... Okay? You finish up your breakfast."

Edd reluctantly sat back down into his seat before beginning to eat his food once more. I looked at him for a few seconds before sighing and pushing back my chair before standing. I followed the usual unmarked path to the hallway with the rooms. I stopped right at Tord's door, and lifted my clenched fist to knock.

But, I didn't. I heard speaking between two or three people. Two voices seemed distant, while one, which was Tord's, seemed clear.

"I just want them fixed, is that a bad thing?" Tord's voice was at a tone I had never heard. I heard hints of anger and sadness in it.

"Tord, problems aren't that easy to fix... You know that... You had them for a long time. They're what caused you and E-" The person on the other line was stopped by another voice, "Pau! Don't mention them breaking up! You know how Tord still feels about him!"

"Guys! Just both of you shut up!Don't mention anything about the past... Please and thank you. I'm hanging up now." A voice was about to speak after Tord, but he stopped it. He must have been in a phone call.

"How he still feels..?" I whisper the words before bringing myself to knock on the door lightly. Tord groaned from the other side, "Who is it and what do you want?"

I flinched at his voice. He seemed really pissed about something. I opened the door a bit and peaked in to see Tord laying across his bed, a pencil in his hand, and a small notepad in front of his face. He didn't even turn and look at the door.

"Tord? It's me, Tom. Mind if I come in and we chat about what happened." I tried making my voice as calm as possible, a few cracks here and there popped up though.

Tord's mood seemed to soften, "Oh! Sorry..." He looked up at me with a face of embarrassment, "Sorry... Thought you were Edd... Sure, come on in!" He scooted over on his bed, inviting me to sit as his gaze turned back to his notepad.

I walked in all the way and shut the door before sitting on the edge of his bed. I looked at his notepad to see him writing alot of words. One sentence did catch my eye though. 'Like the voids of eyes.'


"Whatcha' writing?" I inquired the words calmly.

Tord looked at me with a nervous giggle, "It's a... It's a poem! It helps me relax and clear my head when I write them!"

"Ooh! Can you read it to me?" I became curious. I loved reading poetry, yet I couldn't write it, so this made me super excited.

Tord gave me a blank state for a few moments before he smiled and looked back at the notepad, "Yeah..." He cleared his throat.

"Through these gentle waves."

"Lies a young boy."

"Not yet a man that craves."

"He is quite a wonder..."

"Very mysterious in the heart..."

"He makes me feel the need to ponder..."

"Like the voids of eyes..."

"It makes me think..."

"Oh you,"

"Can you just shrink?"

"So I won't be afraid to let you know..."

"I want no one but you, yourself."

He finished writing and looked at me with a forced smile. I just stared. Astonished. I have read better, but it was still creative and amazing for a simple stress relief method.

He noticed my reaction so he looked away, slowly frowning, "You didn't like it, did you?"

I instantly felt bad, "Oh Jehovah! Sorry! I didn't mean it! I'm just so amazed, I couldn't react!"

He blushed as I complimented him, "Thank you! I-I really love writing, but no one usually cares! Thank you Tom!"

"Anything for you, Tord." I spoke with a soft smile, "Anything to make you happy in anyway..."

This is the longest chapter I've ever written! 990 words! :D
Thanks to anyone that's reading this shitty book, I love you all!

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