//Chapter Nine//

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"Why the fuck is everyone talking about my problems? I have stated, multiple times, that I'm getting them fixed!" I hadn't seen Tord get angered yet, and this seemed to be the beginning of it.

Pat sighed, "I know this. But we just want to discuss them with you, especially... the recent one..."

"Yeah... You've already said it yourself Tord, they are practically messing with your head..." Pau spoke with a nervous voice.

I opened my mouth to ask who they were, but Edd beat me to it, "Who now? Who's messing with you Tordle?"

"No one! I-It's no one!" Tord stuck up his hands in defense, a nervous expression planted across his paled face.

"Tord... Just tell the guy... He obviously cares about you..." Pau spoke with a soothed tone to reassure Tord.

I decided to stay silent... Until he looked at me. I gave him a small smile, his face becoming it's usual color, yet a bit redder.

He curted his head to the side, before looking back at me. He obviously wanted me over there, so that's what I did. I walked over and sat next to him on the love seat. He looked at everyone before grabbing my arm tightly and inhaling a sharp breath.

"They're voices... They try to make decisions for me... I can block them out most of the time, but they bother me when I can't..." He looked back at me before leaning his head against my upper arm. Voices... I don't know what it's like, but it must be scary... Poor Tord...

I smiled slightly and took my free hand through his hair, exhaling a soft sigh in the process. He looked at Edd, waiting for him to respond.

Edd just looked shocked, "Voices? Tord? Why didn't you tell me?" He crossed his arms, "Voices are things you need to tell other people about!"

I shook my head with a sigh before butting in, "If someone has voices talking to them, why would they tell other people? Some people..." I looked down at my short friend, "...Have alot of fears, especially what people will think about them. I may not know Tord all to well, but I can tell that he is one of those people."

Tord looked up at me with a thankful smile. I just nodded and continued to run my fingers through his hair in a comforting manner. Why did he have me sit next to him? To comfort him? I don't know, but I have a feeling that I will figure it out one day. One day, I know I will.

Sorry for the bad chapter >'.'<
I swear I'm trying my best, but I'm low on motivation at the moment.

Meet Me At Midnight//TomTordWhere stories live. Discover now