//Chapter Five//

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Sorry for not updating ;-;
I feel terrible, so much is going on right now! I'll totally post more soon! ^^

I followed where the two walked as Tord was given a small tour of our house. He would occasionally giggle or snort, especially when he seen old pictures on the walls.

He seemed drawn to a specific picture though, and it confused me to the slightest until I actually seen it myself. I hadn't looked too closely to the pictures on our walls lately, and their seemed to be one of Edd and Tord from some sort of carnival.

In all honesty, I'm surprised I've never seen it. Also about the fact that Edd hadn't removed it, especially since him and Matt were in a relationship.

"Have you seen that picture before?"

Tord's quiet voice rang through my ears. I realized I had been staring at the one picture for quite a while. Tord must have finished the stupid tour with Matt.

I narrowed my eyes, "No... I haven't."

He chuckled, "That was senior year of highschool. There was this really cool carnival. Edd decided we would go. He said he would have invited you guys if I were comfortable with it."

He shrugged before continuing, "We were just friends in the picture, so that's why he hasn't taken it down."

I nodded before tilting my head, "How did yo-"

I was interrupted by a green-hoodied male, "Tordle! Why are you here?" Edd didn't seem mad, but he seemed confused.

Tord immediately turned to Edd, a small smile, "Oh! Hey, Edd! Tom found me outside!" He looked to the side before looking back up, "You dropped me off at the wrong place..."

Edd's eyes widened, "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't paying too much attention, eh?"

"Yeah..." Tord didn't say a word after that, along with everyone else. An awkward silence filled the room before I decided to speak up, "I hope you don'tmind Edd... I invited him to stay with us? I didn't want him to walk all the way to his house."

Edd smiled in appreciation, "Great! Thanks a bunch Tom!" His eyes went back to Tord, "We have Matt's old room that you can stay in, bed and everything! He sleeps in my room now." He seemed to want to add that fact so Tord didn't get uncomfortable.

Tord gave a sly smile, "Thanks? I appreciate you allowing me to actually stay over on such early circumstances..."

Edd just smiled brightly and nodded. He linked arms with Tord before turning towards the hall, "I'll show you the room now! It's right across from Tom's room and right next to mine and Matt's!" He led him off with a large grin.

The last thing I seen of the two was Tord looking back at me with a small wave and smile.

That made me smile.

Meet Me At Midnight//TomTordOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant