Coolest Thing You Can Ever Say

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'Sup guys. How you doing. You know me. Jazmine. A cool girl at heart...yeah, that's a lie, I'm not cool at all. All the stuff I say on this book, I don't actually say out loud. The only time I actually say the stuff is when I actually say that I said it. Sooo, main point of my explanation...

Don't let the title full you. This is definitely not the coolest thing to say from your pov. But I'm a really simple person.It doesn't take much to amaze me, so this may be really corny to you. But....I'm all about the corny life baby (two exclamation points)

Okay, so I was just looking up sweatshirts with sarcastic sayings, because it's always so amusing, when I saw this one. It said...

'I'm not shy I just don't like you'

......MIND BLOWN (exclamation point)

I would never say that to anyone personally, because I like mostly everyone. People I don't like, I just say, "I for real don't like you." It's not really mean, because if I don't like someone, it's often because they say shit about me.


Teacher: you're late.

Cool person: no I'm not, everyone's just early.

I swear to god. Me being me, I would be over dramatic and yell something like 'that deserves a high-five' and just give them a high-five. Pfft...i-it's an act of dominance OBVIOUSLY.

Okay, my brother always does this to me, and I can't seem to understand that he'll reply just as before. And every time he says this to me, I'm all like 'damn, why did you fall for that again?' But you gotta admit, it is kinda cool.

Me: you got a pencil I can use?

Cool person: do you have a pencil you can use?

Me: 'if I did, would I be asking you for one right now?'

Cool person: Well there's your answer.

WOAH (exclamation point) I am left speechless. Such a cool comeback.

That's all I got for now. So, Imma go and do something productive in life. Be sure to comment. Peace out.

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