Happy Halloween

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Yes, I'm a day off or whatever. But yeah, no one cares. 

Anyways, what did I do for Halloween? 

I took my grown ass out to trick or treat. I dressed up as a knock off Mario. My costume was so good (if you call good putting the Mario sign over a McDonald's hat and two highlighted circles made out of paper on both sides of your Justice jean jumper that is way too small for you)

Yeah...but um...I hung out with my friends, but tbh, it's not the same without my sister Mikey. I miss her so much. (No she didn't die, she just moved with her mom)

Yeah, and I only trick or treated to two neighborhoods instead of five, like I do every year. I'm pretty sure my mom didn't drive me around because Mikey wasn't here this year.

Though she claims that it was because she was tired, I'm not a dumbass.

I bet if Mikey was here, she would've got her car and got some gas so she could be with us all night. 

Anyways, I trick or treated with some of my friends. But you know those people you don't really fuck with, but if they're the last resort you'll hang with them. Yeah, I was with THOSE friends. My best friends didn't want to trick or treat this year.

At some point of the night, I got bored and left them, and walked by myself.

Eventually, I started telling everyone that I was sad and that no one came with me (which was kinda true...) and they started giving me more candy. So yeah, that was good I guess.

Then when I was walking home, all the lights were off and the neighborhood was dark af. 

I wasn't scared though. I just had my flashlight on and was reading wattpad out loud. It was pretty peaceful. That is until a car started slowing down next to me....

The guy in the car was like "why the fuck is your dumb ass walking home by yourself, get in the car"

So I got in the car....

The guy was my dad btw, I'm not a dumb ass. And then my brother was talking about how he got kit kats or whatever and stuff.

When I got home, Empire was on, so I missed that (not that it's interesting anymore) and I ate a pork chop.

Soon to be yelled at by my dad because I accidentally picked the biggest piece and so my dad was mad. My mom claimed I took her shit and I didn't and so she took my phone or whatever. She won't let me go to the library with my friends. But you know, it's fine.

Blah blah blah. Moral of the story. I'm not going trick or treating again cuz it was stupid this year. So yeah

Happy Halloween

Anyways, Imma go do something productive in my life, peace ttyl

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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