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Oh my Jesus! That was funny! Who here is bad ass enough to send this to your best friend. I sent it to mine yesterday. She was like:

Fuck you

And I was like:


I my lord, I was so cracking up. I also showed this to my sister. She was mad and she was trying to break my tablet.

Btw, why am I using my tablet and not my phone, you may ask.

Killua: no one asked that, idiot.

Killua!!! It's been a long time, want some chocolate. *pulls out robochco*

Killua: *blushes and looks away* no *dissapears*

*squeals* HE JUST BLUSHED!!!!! Anyways, back to my topic...oh right, my phone. Why aren't I using my phone? Because, my mom took it and she.....wait for it....

Almost there......



Wait patiently for the answer.....

....I forgot what I was talking about again...

oh yeah.....

my mom LOST my phone!!!!!!!

Anyways, Imma go do something productive in my life, be sure to comment ttyl.

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