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"Looks like someone's having fun" Collins chuckled, looking back at Jacob dancing with three inappropriately dressed chicks

This was probably the sixth song those girls all danced together around Jacob. i rolled my eyes at the sight

"You know him?" He asked.

"Not really. He was supposed to bring me something to drink eight songs ago" i laughed, bringing my attention back to him. We were probably the only sober ones at this party.

"I can get it for you" he smiled

"That'd be nice" i agreed. He got up from the couch we were sitting on and walked to the kitchen.

I tried looking for Taylor while Collins was gone but she was no where to be found. Kevin on the other side was on the middle of the dance floor with two cups in each hand. Gross

I heard Someone calling for me from behind, I turned around to find Jacob practically yelling my name trying to find me

"I don't know what you normally take, so i brought you some water" Collins handed me the cup

"Water's great, thanks" i said snapping out of it

"What's wrong" he asked in a chuckle, sitting back down, this time way closer than the last one.

"Uh nothing" i fake smiled, hoping he could avoid listening to Jacobs screams.

Out of no where, they stopped, and i looked at where he was to find out why. He was too busy eating another girls' face off. Of course

"Hey, you okey" he placed his hand on my thigh lightly stroking it with his thumb. I felt myself tense up under his touch. I didn't like this.

"You're fine, don't be nervous" He kept looking at my lips and then my eyes, smirking. Slowly, he started leaning in, and i leaned back not wanting to look too obvious. My back hit the edge of the couch, completely trapping me. I couldn't move.

"Maya" a sudden voice interrupted abruptly. Collins scooted back, noticing i was literally breaking my back trying not to kiss him. I looked up at the person. Jesus, thank god for this jerk.

"What's up Jacob?" i asked, relieved he was here

"I think it's time we leave" he winked.

"Yeah, i think so" i stood up quickly, grabbing his hand, leaving Collins there on the couch.

"We have to find Taylor" I told him

"She's outside, waiting in the car" He told me.

"Okey, let's go"

"Wait wait wait" He took me by my waist, pulling me back

"what?" i asked confused

"There's no need to rush, we still got the whole night" he smirked

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