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Almost an hour into the party and everyone was having fun. The music wasn't blasting because we still had to surprise Taylor, who would get here in another 5 minutes or so.

I was with some of my friends in the backyard, with Jacob by my side and a cup in one hand. He wasn't drinking, as expected, but was quick to take out a cigarette from one of his friends' box.

I had seen Jacob smoke before, but for some reason, every time i saw him with one my heart started racing. I've been meaning to talk to him about that, but i still don't want to.

We're not even officially together yet, so i don't wanna loosen the trust we have built up the last couple of weeks. Complaining would do just that.

We continued talking, and laughing at small things, until i got a call from Kevin. I parted from our small circle and entered the house, where the music wasn't as loud.

"Hey Kev" i said through the phone

"Hey, she's on her way now. Just texted me, i'm five minutes away too" he answered

"Okey great, thanks. We'll be ready" I hung up after an affirmative silence, and went back outside to tell everyone.

"Guys listen up" i raised my voice. The dj turned down the music a little.

"Taylor's on her way right now, so do me a favor and turn all the lights you see on, off. Then go straight to hiding spots." I said, looking at people nodding and doing exactly that.

I rushed to the kitchen, and snuck behind a wall where the light switch was.

Everything was now almost completely silent. I got one last text from Tay before i replied

'i'm outside'

i smiled to myself.

'its open'

A car lock was heard, then heels walking towards my entrance. The door slowly opened, revealing a clueless Taylor with skinny jeans, her favorite pair of heels and a crop top with a denim jacket.

I quickly turned on the lights and everyone jumped out, screaming surprise.

Taylor of course, would've fell if it wasn't for the door being centimeters away from her.

Her hand was stuck to her chest, and i wasn't sure if her expression was of pure frightness or excitement.

I ran over and gave her a huge hug, almost pulling her to the ground

"Happy birthday!" i cheered

"What is happening" She said amazed, the huge smile plastered on her face made me realize how worth it all of this was.

"I wanted to surprise you" i explained "Did i?"

"Yeah" she laughed, hugging me back tighter "Thank you thank you thank you"

Everyone gathered around and wished Taylor a happy birthday eventually.

Seconds later, Kevin stormed through the door with a bouquet of flowers and a card.

"Crap. I missed it" he said, making us all laugh.


Everyone started leaving around 2 in the morning. I was so exhausted from being up since 8 all i wanted to do was sleep.

I took my heels off, plopping on the couch. I felt the space next to me sink, and an arm wrap around my shoulders.

Jacob's cologne filled my nose, a pleasant smell if i might add. I leaned my head on his shoulder, not being able to keep my eyes open any longer.

Another body sat next to me, this time hugging me.

"By far, the greatest birthday of all time" Taylor said with excitement

"Thank you, i luv ya" she snuggled into my neck for a second then stood up.

"i love you too" i smiled at her.

"We're leaving, but i can't describe how happy i am right now. You made my year. I will never stop thanking you" She jumped up and down.

"Aw Tay, you know i'd do this for you, even if you didn't want it. Thank you for helping me clean up tho" i giggled

"No problem, goodnight maya. Bye Jacob" she waved, leaving with Kevin.

I closed my eyes once more, now bending my knees and snuggling up to Jacob.

"You smell really good" he said, leaning his head on mine

"You do too" i replied. Still smelling his typical cologne.

"You should get some rest" he said "I'll take you upstairs"

"But i wanna stay here. I'm comfy" i whined

He chuckled, unexpectedly picking me up, making me wrap my legs around his torso.

My eyes shot open from the rush, making me hold on to him for dear life

He made his way upstairs and into my room, placing me on the bed gently and laying next to me.

"See? it wasn't that hard" he said, turning to one side and pulling me closer to him.

"I left my phone downstairs" i complained, trying to stand up to go grab it.

"Too late, you're here with me now. No phones" he smiled, kissing my nose

"You're the cheesiest person i know" i laughed

"You love it" he smirked, kissing my nose again.

I just smiled, knowing he was right. His cuteness made me melt. But at the same time, he could be really serious and manly. Sometimes overprotective. But his soft side always got to me the most.

Last thing i remember was closing my eyes and hearing nothing. Jacobs rising chest made me feel even sleepier. Suddenly, it was lights out for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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