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Next morning i got to class normally and waited for Taylor's ridiculously exciting morning energy to sit next to me.

Her presence was quickly noticed by giggles echoing through the walls. Her gaze met mine and just as predicted, she hopped her way over to me.

"So..." she flashed a curious smile at me

"What" i knitted my eyebrows together. Her excitement catching my attention.

"How'd it go yesterday" She wiggled her eyebrows at me, like she usually does. My face remained the same, but on the inside my eyes probably widened double their size.

I hadn't told Taylor about me going to Collins' party yesterday, i didn't wanna blow Jacob's cover completely.

"Yesterday?.." i tried playing dumb, like i had no idea what she was talking about.

"People saw you with Collins yesterday" she smirked, not overreacting about it as much as i thought she would. It felt wrong lying to her, terribly wrong. So i just gave in

"I'm so sorry Tay" i started "For not telling you" i sighed. "A thing kinda..came up and i decided to go last minute." i explained myself  "It was not even that fun tbh."

"You don't have to apologize" she smiled sympathetically. "I get it." she nodded to herself "You wanted to be alooonee with Collins" She laughed, convinced she was right.

"Y-yeah" i laughed it off, trying to go along with it.

"Well tell me everything, i want full details" her eyes looked deeper into mine then before, her curiosity noticeable from a mile away.

"I'll tell you later, there's too many people" I looked around the now full classroom with a hesitant look

"Is it really that detailed!" she laughed louder than she did before, finding it completely hilarious. "Fine, but i do want the WHOLE thing explained"

i nodded, giving her a warm smile.

Class began seconds later, and our teacher started explaining the lesson. Taylor and i paired up to do the assignment, and finished in no time. After the bell rang we separated to our lockers.

"Maya" someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and found Kaitlyn in front of me with a worried look.

"Hey" i put up a smile, that quickly faded when she didn't show the same emotion. "What's wrong" i asked confused

"Didn't you hear" she seemed surprised to hear me not know about whatever she was talking about.

"Hear what" i narrowed my eyebrows.

Before she had the time to respond, an angry Collins stomped into the hallway looking through all the now surprised faces staring at him. I turned to my right just to find an empty space next to me, Kaitlyn was not to be seen anymore. The only noice sticking out was Collins' loud footsteps walking my way as soon as we made eye contact. His eyes were filled with rage and determination, as if he was confronting someone.

"What the fuck Anderson" he spat out once he reached me. I took a step back just as i saw he got closer by the second.

"Walk away Collins" i was begging for him not to make this any bigger than it already was, but he didn't seem to care

"You used me!" he yelled in my face. "If you wanted the bag so fucking badly you could've asked for it" It seemed as if his own words enraged him ten times more than before.

"I-I don't know what your talking about" i looked down, gulping the big lump forming on my throat.

"You're gonna give it back" he firmly and coldly said. "Now!" He grabbed one of my wrists tightly, wanting to drag me to wherever he thought i was hiding the bag.

"get off" i tried yanking my arm out of his grip but it was pointless. "You're hurting me" a thin layer of fresh tears formed in my eyes, making everything look blurry. A strong body pushed me the opposite direction from Collins, making him finally let go of me. I quickly wiped away the tears and saw Jacob standing in front of me with his hand on my cheek.

"Are you okey?" he scanned my face with a panicked look. My arm was starting to get red and numb by how hard Collins had grabbed me.

"Maya, say something" he grabbed my shoulders and gave them a shake. "Yes." i nodded, trying to take a breath.

Jacob turned around to face Collins who was already walking our way. "This isn't about you, move" He sternly said, harshly pushing him out of the way. Jacob wasted no time in throwing a swing at him, to prevent him getting closer to me.

The two boys were now on the ground, Jacob on top of Collins throwing some more punches. The small undefined circle that once surrounded me and Collins was now around Jacob and him. A good amount of people took out their phones and recorded everything. Taylor's voice was heard at the end of the hallway, running my way.

"What the fuck" she looked at the two boys, fighting against each other, then at my arm, that now had a bruise

"What happened !" she yelled, scanning my arm. "No time, we need to separate them!" She nodded quickly and turned around, waving at Kevin who was standing where she previously was. Just as he ran towards us, another lump formed on my throat, remembering what Jacob had told me. I tried my hardest to snap out of it and concentrate on what was really important right now.

"Hold this" Kevin handed Taylor his back pack and squished into the crowd of people, until he reached Jacob. He grabbed Collins and lifted him up, trying to stop him from hitting Jacob any longer.

"Knock it off!" he yelled, positioning himself between the two of them.

"Bitch" Collins murmured under his breath, angrily walking away. Jacob had a busted lip but nothing else seemed to be off. The circle slowly dispersed as the fight came to an end, letting me walk towards the boys.

"You're bleeding" i immediately told Jacob as i tried looking for more bruises. "i'm fine" He fake smiled, putting up an act.

"No you're not. You're coming with me" I took his hand and dragged him to my car, where i was sure i had a first aid kit. I put my hand under the drivers seat where i thought the white box was, but felt nothing. I probably forgot it at home.

I turned to look at him and sighed "Get in" i said. "Why" he asked. "I left all my first aid things at home" i explained. He looked hesitant of my decision. "Unless you wanna go to the nurses office and explain what happened to your lip of course"

he groaned and finally got in the passengers seat, letting me drive him to my house..

1147 words wow. That's long. anyways, enjoy
        -Maria <3

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