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"ouch" Jacob complained once again as the soaked cotton ball touched his lip.

"Would you stop complaining? i'm trying to focus" i poked my tongue out as i usually did when i was concentrated. He slightly chuckled at this, making me miss the bruised part of his lip again.

"Stop moving your lips!" i frustratedly said, holding his head in place.

"It burns" he complained, trying to push my hand off.

"I know. But if you don't let me wash it, it'll probably get infected" I explained myself for the hundredth time now.

"I'm fine, i don't need any of this crap" he looked down at my scattered first aid kid laying on the bathroom floor.

"i'm almost done.." i softly said, not being able to speak properly due to my effort on becoming a professional nurse on the spot.

"done!" i said excitingly, examining my work.

"Thanks." Jacob stood up and looked at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair a bit.

I gathered all my stuff and placed it back in the box, which i made sure to leave on my vanity this time, so i could remember to put it back in my car.

"We should probably head back now" I said over my shoulder, to jacob who was now laying on my bed.

"No way, they'll call me to the principles office as soon as i step foot in there" he shook his head, firmly denying my suggestion to drive back to school.

"Then i'll go with you" i turned around and plopped on my bed as well, laying next to him. "We'll tell him the truth"

"Which is what? Me punching Collins Gray just at the end of third period in front of everyone?" he chuckled "thanks, but no"

I stood up, crossing my arms at his stupidity. "You're making the truth sound horrible" i said. "You were trying to protect me Jacob" i honestly explained.

He sat up straight, looking at me and almost agreeing on going back. He broke eye contact and looked at himself through my full length mirror, letting out a weak sigh.

"No" he shook his head, reconsidering. "I decided to start a fight. It was my choice" his hazel eyes landed on me once again, i could see them getting soft. "I'm not dragging you with me"

I gulped, not knowing what to say anymore. I just nodded. He rested the upper part of his body back onto my bed and took out his phone.


After missing most of the school day, i came to the realization we weren't going back today. Even if Jacob thought it was all his fault, i knew it wasn't true. He wouldn't have gotten into a fight if it wasn't for me. But i wouldn't have gotten into an argument with Collins if it wasn't for him. But then again, i agreed to help him, so it is my fault.

Jacob's phone beeped again, snapping me out of my thoughts. My stomach growled. I hadn't eaten anything but a granola bar this morning, i usually don't get hungry during mornings.

Jacob must've noticed, because he finally pushed his phone to the side and looked at me

"You're hungry" he said in a more affirmative tone rather than a question.

"No" i said, denying it. I didn't know why i was denying it. I guess i just didn't like the sudden attention

A loud complain was heard from my stomach once again. I looked down, mentally slapping myself.

Jacob chuckled, lifting himself up from the bed and grabbing my hand, dragging me downstairs.

"Where are we going" i asked, letting him drag my figure out the door.

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