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"Pleasee" Taylor begged, giving my arm a slight shake before letting it go

"I have two warnings Tay, and so do you. It isn't the smartest idea" i tried reasoning with her, maybe getting her senses back to normal

"One of them is a tardy" she faught back.

"No, one of them is a warning from the three tardys you got from Mr. Sal" i chuckled.

I knew she would try to convince me on going, but i couldn't.

How badly i wanted to go to this overnight thingy was besides the point, i couldn't risk getting caught by this stupid dare some freshmen decided to pull up at school

"At least try staying, if it gets too sketchy we'll leave" Taylor begged once more, desperately trying to convince me.

I sighed, knowing her constant whines were gonna trick me into doing it once again.

I gave her a hesitant look, trying my best to contain the little rush breaking the rules gave my body

I failed.

"fine" i gave in. "But we're not staying the whole night" i stated

She squealed and hugged me as tight as her grip could go. I slightly pushed her away, taking a very needed breath.


It was 6:30 pm, every extra class being taught at school ended about half an hour ago, leaving no one but the dozen of kids hiding in bathrooms, lockers, and any other space that could contain an average teenager for a hiding space.

Tay and i snuck into the the girls' old dressing rooms where we spent last years showers and tardiness before they decided to lock them up due to humidity.

Some other guys we hung out with were with us. I also invited Jessie over with us and she happily agreed.

"How much longer" Leo, one of our closest friend said

"They said 6:40, just in case" Taylor replied, looking at her phone.

We all anxiously watched the big digital numbers on her phone change every minute, until it finally reached to the desired time.

Everyone snuck out of there hiding places at once and cheered, getting "shush's" constantly.

Taylor ran crazily, following the crowd. But me, i decided to go to a more quiet space. All the noise was distracting.

I walked along the hallway my locker was in, and remembered there was a vending machine right at the end.

Getting closer to it i stashed my hands in my pockets looking for any spare coins i had. I finally pulled out a random penny and threw it into the small gap the machine provided

My eyes carefully scanned through the options. My mouth started watering from all the delicious looking candy. 

The sound of footsteps coming my way suddenly startled me. I turned to the side and saw a boy with a black hoodie pulled up covering most of his face.

He wasn't doing anything, just looking down and resting his head on a locker. Moments later, Alexa's voice was heard, killing the silence i was peacefully enjoying.

"There you are" she grinned, wrapping her arms around this mysterious boy. He placed his hands on her hips and leaned in for a kiss.

I instantly gagged. Who would want to kiss Alexa?

She tugged on his head, removing the hoodie and exposing gorgeous brownish locks i was in love with. My heart instantly dropped to me knees. and not in a good way.

The vending machine let out my pack of mints fall to the ground, making a loud BAM

They both instantly looked at me. One looked like he had seen a ghost. And the other just looked disgusted.

I grabbed my package and quickly walked over to the exit, which was unfortunately right across from where they were having a make out session.

I didn't say anything. Jacob just looked at me with that stupid dumbfounded look.

I wanted to crawl into a ball and cry. Just cry. I hated feeling so defenseless, especially over a boy. But something in that setting triggered my sensitive spot making me feel vulnerable.

A thin layer of tears was threatening to roll down my cheeks any second now. I decided to blink them off and just wipe the ones that did leave my red eyes.

I heard a door open behind me. And a fast pace following that. Before i knew it, My shoulder was pulled slightly back, making me stop. Jacob faced me with a concerned look in his eyes

"Jacob?" i tried my best not to stutter.

"hey" he softly said, still not letting go of my shoulder.

"What is it" i asked, gulping down the big lump on my throat.

He didn't reply, just looked at me with sweet eyes. I wasn't sure he knew what he was doing here either.

I removed his hand from my shoulder softly, taking a deep breath before turning around and leaving him there.

"I'm sorry" he spat out making me stop.

"For what" i turned around.

He shrugged, not breaking eye contact. "You're crying" he replied. "I must've done something wrong"

"Not crying because of you." i chuckled, trying to play it cool

"Then what" he took a step closer. My breath hitched.

I looked down, not sure on what to say.

We both heard the doors starting to open. That's when he quickly took my hand and dragged me behind a wall, taking me by surprise.

"Jacob?" I heard Alexa call. He put his pointer finger to his lips and waited until she was gone.

sorry for the lack of updates, i'll be posting more often now i promise <3

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