The Battalion (Chapter Nine)

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Above is a BOP that I listened to while writing this chapter, so enjoy!


Kasey and Eric entered the club, Eric's familiar hair catching Sylvanna's eye. "Eric! Hello!" She smiled, waving at him to take Aphmau's seat. Eric happily joined, only to notice Zack was there as well. Kasey left though, looking for Zane and leaving Eric alone. "Sylvanna! Long time no see!" He shook hands with her and Zack. "We could say the same about you." Zack reached across the table for Sylvanna's hand and held it, keeping eye-contact with Eric. Zack was jealous of Eric, especially because he always grabbed Sylvanna's eye.

So as the three were stuck in a drought of words, Kasey was looking for Zane when he walked to the back of the club to see Jeffrey in an anxiety attack. He was curled up, wishing for the world to stop torturing him. Kasey ran up to him, making him face him to calm him down. He always said he looked like Katelyn after all. So when he looked up through his teary eyes, he calmed down. He stood up and held out his hand, offering it to Jeffrey. "I'm here for Katelyn too y'know." Kasey said, smiling a bit. Jeffrey chuckled a bit, before grabbing his hand. "Sorry to be in a bad state right now, it's just... they took Abby and then Katelyn. They took my whole life." Jeffrey wiped his tears, sighing in defeat. "Don't worry, I know Katelyn, she won't go down without a fight." Kasey tried to reassure Jeffrey. 

"So, now that Jeffrey's calmed down, what's the plan?" Zane asked. Aphmau pondered on it, hoping to find some loophole in the deal. "Well, that meeting spot still stands, they didn't leave a note when they took Katelyn. Right Nana..?" Nana nodded shyly. "Travis was trying to get her to go with him, but she didn't want to betray Jeffrey. He must've given her something to knock her out though. He also left in a black car with Dante." Nana said, trying to go over what happened once again. "We could bring us, like a battalion, for if things go south." Kasey agreed. "4185 NW 963rd Avenue... That's should be maybe a house or building. We could surround the place." Zane spoke, earning the agreement from the group. "Let's get this plan into action."


Katelyn opened her eyes, sweat dripping from her forehead. She was tied up, her arms behind the back of the chair and her legs tied under the seat. She felt a piece of tape over her mouth, duct tape, of course. She knew struggling would only waste her energy so she looked around the room. It was almost pitch black, with some light leaking through the beaten-up roof. She spotted something out of the corner of her eye. It looked like a stuffed animal, one that Abby plays with. She sighed in relief, atleast Abby would be there with her. 

Suddenly, a light turned on, blinding her. She blinked and saw people emerge from the shadows. "Good work Travis. Now we have more.. leverage." Lucinda laughed, walking towards Katelyn. "Getting Abby hurt Jeffrey, didn't it?" Lucinda asked Katelyn, whom still gave her a cold stare. "But with you by his side, lifting him up, it wasn't good enough, we didn't have any confirmation of the deal if only Abby was taken. So, how do you think he feels now with his support gone?" Lucinda asked again, seeing Katelyn grit her teeth. "That's what I thought. Now, Abby! Katie's here to see you!" Lucinda cooed, watching as Abby walked in with Aaron behind her. 

"Katie!!" Abby ran to Katelyn but was stopped by Lucinda. "Not now Abby, when Aphmau comes you can go." Lucinda looked up at Katelyn, her red eyes glimmering with horrible intention. She walked off, only to be stopped by Ein with bloody knuckles. "Ein! I'm holding Abby, clean off your hands." Lucinda walked away, her clinking heels echoing. "What happened..?" Aaron asked cautiously. "Nana's dumb alleycats. They're onto us. But with their numbers, they'll never see what's coming." As Katelyn writhed a bit in her seat, there were more people in the room. She knew it.

She looked around once again, hoping she'd see a sign of where she was. The ground was concrete, covered with dirt and dust. She didn't mind it, but she thought of a way to get the tape off her mouth. She knew Aaron was still in the room, maybe more that she couldn't identify. So she wrinkled her nose, acting like she was going to sneeze. She scooted her chair around to get Aaron's attention, hoping he'd get him to take the tape off her mouth. She said some questionable things, especially for when a child is in the room. So Aaron came in, annoyed with her noise-making and ripped off the tape, earning not even a wince from Katelyn.

"Have I ever said how annoying your voice is even with it being muffled by duct tape?" He asked, skeptical of Katelyn's doing. "Have I ever told you how stupid you look with a collar around your neck? Like what kind of kink-." Aaron slapped the tape back on her mouth, stopping her in her tracks. "Now that's enough from you!" He walked away, frustrated with Katelyn's rude remarks. She raised her eyebrows suggestively, knowing that angering Lucinda's boy-toy would get Lucinda monologuing again. 

"Ugh, she reminds me of her father." A man's voice spoke behind her. "Ya' Think..?" A woman's high-pitched voice, spoke after the man's. "Even after what happened in O'Khasis, he's still the same old guy we always hated." The man spoke again, his voice colder at the mention of Katelyn's father. They walked around her, showing themselves. "Oh you're kidding me..." She thought, staring Zianna and Garte in the face. "Look at her, all scared!" Zianna said, chuckling. Katelyn shook her head, keeping her signature stone stare. 

"Ugh, parents right..?" Garroth walked towards his parents, being embraced by his mother immediately, "But anyway, you and I know what your dad did to my dad's men. He decimated almost our entire detail because of your deadbeat mother leaving!" Katelyn clenched her teeth, furrowing her eyebrows in frustration. If she only got one hit at his cheeky smirk... She shook her head again, wanting to get that dumb piece of tape off her mouth. "She looks angry! Look at her eyes!" Zianna said, a cheery tone still in her voice. She took off the tape, spotting Katelyn's smirk. "If you know how close he was to her then compared to me now, you'll love to see the bloodbath ahead of you." She deadpanned, seeing the slight fear in their eyes. With the mention of her father, she knew he'd be there to save her. Somehow, someway. But knowing about the amount of bloodshed that happened at the disappearance of her mother, she knew the anger of this attack would be unfathomable. Good thing they were on vacation the day of the massacre. Too late for them now, though.

"She's a firefist, of course she'll spit some exaggerated insult. All talk but no punch, huh?" Garroth retorted, rolling his eyes at her. "If I wasn't tied in rope, you'd be regretting that." Her hands twitched behind her in anticipation. "Don't you have alot to say!" Zianna smiled, not caring about the threat. "What do you think Garte?" Garte disregarded Zianna's question, walking off and being followed by his son and wife. "Gar-Gar! Didn't you talk about meeting a brown-haired boy..?" Katelyn heard Zianna's voice fade followed by Garroth's frustrated response as she looked around the room once more. And there he was, left alone with her, his true love once again. 

"You disgust me Travis."

"I love you too."


While Eric sweet-talked Sylvanna, Kasey was discussing the plan for the attack. Just as they were doing so, Nana's cats returned, badly beaten and hurt. "You guys! Oh my gosh." Nana knelt next to them, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "It was the werewolf, the b-blue one." They whispered, not trying to attract attention. "E-Ein? That no-good floater, he'll pay!" Nana growled, her tail curling up as she tensed up. "I'll get them to the hospital, I'm sorry Nana." Zane said, pecking Nana on her cheek and motioned them to follow him. 

As he left, Nana and the rest of them got the confirmation that they were there, but not alone. The whole crew was there as well. They could out-number them but the cats mentioned more people they couldn't identify. It was strange, especially for that group not having any ties to bigger groups. Aphmau decided to go with the original plan, get her there before 12am, alone. Her back-up had to be delayed so they wouldn't turn on her immediately. She could probably get a good look at the place before being captured, so she could escape after he back-up was deployed. They all agreed on the plan, whilst Jeffrey made sure the group was all in check. He calmed down after Kasey reassured them they were going to get them both back. After all, Kasey was a firefist, and they don't  back down.

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