a cheat, a liar, an ex lover (Chapter Twelve)

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What a chapter title :) Song above is for *cough* DAMIEN *cough*


Nana fell asleep hours after Zane did that night, worrying about Damien. She was usually asleep before Zane was. Tonight was different; very different. She couldn't stand facing her ex. Though she had Zane by her side, he didn't truly understand how much this meant to her. She was his first girlfriend. He was her third boyfriend. Don't even get started with Reese.

That night, after a couple of hours a sleep, she woke up again. Nana felt something change in her. Like those shows she used to watch, she felt like changing, 'glowing up' if you will. She felt like showing herself off. After a heavy debate, Nana decided to proceed. "He'll regret ever leaving me." Nana whispered to herself in encouragement. Just as she rummaged through her closet, she changed clothes repeatedly and showed off her final look to her mirror. Now for the real test...

"Zane...?" She woke up Zane around 9am to show her new look. He looked groggy, not being used to being woken up. He looked up, seeing her kneeling down near him.  "N-nana!" He felt a blush cover his face as he looked at her. Her hair was down, showing off her cat ears that were pierced with diamond studs. Her makeup was mainly black with hints of sparkly pink that matched the matte, dark pink lipstick covering her plump lips. She wore a close-to-sheer, long-sleeved pink top which had a low neck-drop and a matching pink choker. Also, she had on a short, flowing black skirt and black flats with a pink bow on her waist. "So...?" She asked, watching his reaction in worry.

"You've never looked better..." Zane said in daze. "Aw..! Thank you!" She hugged him, comforted by his words. "I'm heading out. I'll see you in a bit." She said the second sentence with a deep voice, causing Zane to blush even more. She laughed as she walked out, leaving a very dazed Zane behind.


The moment she walked in through the door, everyone's eyes were on her. "N-nana! My Irene!" Katelyn commented, admiring her look.  "Glad my words moved you." Aphmau teased her, a sly smirk on her face. "Whatever..! Hmph!" Nana responded, a pout on her lips. "Damien will be here in half an hour. I don't think he'll only be here for finance when he sees you." Aphmau told her, laughing at her flustered expression. "This is just to show him how much he's missing." She told her, crossing her arms. "It's working so far." Kai commented from the back of the club. Nana gasped, watching Aphmau furrow her eyebrows while she triedto stifle her giggles. 


After Zane got over Nana's new look, he got to the club around 10am and looked for Nana. He felt a bit on edge ever since she showed him her new look. She's bound to catch a few eyes in the club without him by her side. So as he entered the club and spotted a satchel at the entrance, he assumed he was too late for introductions. After he entered, he found her talking to Damien quite casually. 

"D-Damien. Nice seeing you again." Nana's wrist jingled with bangles borrowed from Aphmau as she shook his hand. She had gotten used to using a deeper voice, trying to use it in every line of dialogue around him. "Oh, Zane! Perfect timing." She walked up to Zane, kissing his lips with a passion he was not ready for. "Yeah.. Perfect.." He replied in a daze. Damien squinted, trying to confirm that he was the guy he had to get away from Nana. "Okay then! Now, to the documents?" Nana nodded, grabbing the documents from Katelyn and handing them to him to analyze. Meanwhile, Zane excused Nana and spoke to her.

"Nana, I'm concerned about some things.." Zane started, his tone conveying worry. "What's to be worried about? He's all over me! Plus, you're the real show piece in this." Zane felt a blush on his face again. "N-no. That's not the point. You're doing all of this for an ex. Is he really that worth it?" He asked her, frowning underneath his mask. "Ok-ok. When this is all over i'll be back to normal. I just want to make a statement. Plus, I can dress like this anytime y'know." She smirked at Zane, walking back to the table Damien was at, making Zane even more frustrated then before.

Whilst Damien was dealing with Aphmau, he glared at Zane time-to-time to make sure he was still present, wanting to execute his mission efficiently. He was impressed by Nana's new look. Comparing it to her old one, this was a big change he was not expecting. It'd made the plan he had in store alot more pleasing to him. But work was work, so he continued looking at the finances.

"My concern is mainly on the phone bills here. Someone's been using them up." Damien informed Aphmau, adjusting his reading glasses. "That's Gene. He does most of the business on the phone." Yeah, business. Aphmau informed Damien, earning a nod in response. "Alright then! That should be the basics. You can figure out the rest, I hope." He chuckled. "Ok. Thank you Damien. It means alot." Aphmau shook his hand, a glad smile on her face again. "Now that that's done, Nana, can I talk to you?" Damien looked up at Nana, whom was surprised. She nodded as he walked near Aphmau's office with her trailing behind him. Zane's stomach churned when he saw her. 

"I have a bad feeling about him." He murmured to himself, gritting his teeth in annoyance. "Hey, I can hear your teeth from here. Don't worry, Damien's a nice guy. Won't blame him for making a move on her though." Kai commented, getting a death glare from Aphmau and Zane at the same time. Just as he said that, Zane let his worry take over and strided up to the hall with her office, looking for Nana. He peeked into Katelyn's office, seeing it was locked. "Oh hell no." He kicked the door down, watching as their lips interlocked. 

"What the hell Damien?!"  Nana screamed at Damien, tempted to slap him.

"What the hell Nana?!" Zane shouted at her, the familiar feeling of betrayal being brought back into his mind.

Damien and Nana looked at Zane. Zane could feel his eye twitch as his hands trembled in anger. "It's not what it looks like Zane!" Nana cried out as Zane left her with Damien. A thousand feelings flowed through him as he stormed out, tears pricking his eye. She felt tears form in her eyes as well as she watched him leave. Just as she reached for the door, Damien blocked the exit, pulling a gun from his pocket. "Not so fast Kitty." Nana's eyes widened as she watched the barrel of the gun, loaded, in her face and cried out. "You actually had me for a little bit. You look dashing in that." She backed away, fear in her eyes. She was unarmed, she was weak. He has the perfect plan, to strike at a time of weakness. Just as he pulled the trigger at her, someone decided to open the door with a big wind of force. 

Damien fell onto the floor, his finger slipping and the bullet shooting past her hair and into the wall. Nana closed her eyes, preparing for impact, and opened them back up when she felt nothing. With mascara running, she looked up and saw Zane holding up the gun that was Damien's in his hands. "You messed with the wrong man Damien. God have mercy on your soul."  And that was when a bullet went straight through Damien's head.  Nana wept and latched onto Zane's arms, crying her heart out. 

"I'm so sorry Zane." After a short pause he replied. "It's ok Nana."


Just as Katelyn was done cleaning, Nana and Zane explained what happened. Nana was being hit on by Damien when he heard someone at the door, locking it and kissing her. She was disgusted and wanted nothing of it. Zane saw what happened and stormed out, spotting a flyer in Damien's satchel which he left at the entrance just as he was leaving. It advertised Lucinda's club, with the big words WANTED DEAD in big bold letters. It immediately caught his attention. That's when he knew why he didn't feel right about Damien. When he came back, he came back at the right time, slamming open the door as his instinct. 

His anger took over though. He wasn't supposed to kill him. This time though, he did so willingly. After this night with another bodycount for this club, they all knew that wouldn't be the biggest thing to worry about at the moment. They just found out Lucinda was recruiting Assassins. This was the beginning of a brutal period of distrust.


COOL! I GOT A CHAPTER DONE DURING THE WEEK! THAT'S A FIRST! Well, Zane's hand 'slipped' again so whoops. But, expect more and more old faces coming for the crew's head soon. Ta-Ta!


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