Chapter For

23 2 7

Garrett's POV

I walked out of the movie house with only two things on my mind.

P-wait, this isn't the Outsiders.

Let's start over.

I walked home from school. I decided to walk past the park that made me jealous yesterday.

There I saw, ALEX?


That betch.

He's cheating on me. And with THE PARK.

The park is a ho.

I decided to go home, instead of confronting him.

He'll learn his lesson when I POISON HIS FOOD.

The walk home was filled with anger. Mostly because of the cheating b-Alex. And because I missed my house. Twice.

I shoved my keys in the door, resulting in me locking myself out, because it was unlocked.

Today was NOT my day.

I opened the door, after unlocking it of course. I searched for something to make, so I could poison Alex.

I had no poison. Crap. My plan is not working.

It would take too long to run to the store, he would be back by then. I would have to get him another way.

And I have a plan.


Park's POV

It was a lonely day, until my Alex visited me.

He sat down, admiring my beauty.

I admired him as well. His (totally) natural purple hair, his....six fourness. And

I love Alex.



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