Chapter Five

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Alex's POV

I almost cried as I knew that I had to leave the park. I longed to be near him.

I traced my way back to Garrett's house. I walked in to see him and his sister, as he had previously explained to me what she was, eating dinner at the table.

Garrett looked surprised, and scared.

"Who's this?" Garrett's sister said.

"I am Alex." I said.

"I am Thea. Nice to meet you." Thea reached her hand out.

I stared at it in confusion.

Oh, a hand shake. Garrett had previously explained to me what it was.

I awkwardly stuck my hand out, shaking it vigorously. Then grabbed her hand.

Thea looked confused.

Oops, I was supposed to grab her hand before I shook it, wasn't I?

"Umm, okay." Thea said.

"Weeeelll, that's enough fun but Alex and I have to, work on" Garrett lied.

"Actually I liv-" I was cut off.

"DOWn the street. Yeah well, I think the project might take Alex wanted to stay here.....yeah." Garrett said.

Thea must have knew he was lying, it was in her face that she didn't believe him. She agreed anyway, because who cares if her brother is secretly hiding a guy in their house.

My thoughts traveled to the park. I hope nothing ever happens to him.



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