Chapter None

22 2 9

Garrett's POV

We walked home in silence. Nothing was said. I mean, that's kind of the definition of silence.

I was still upset that Alex didn't take a single bite of my sandwiches. They were poisoned just for him.

My other plan is in action though. I must wait until tonight to strike.

The park will pay for stealing Alex!

I got ready. I threw on some skinny jeans and a rainbow hoodie. To show off my flamboyance.

I slipped into the darkness of the night.


Alex's POV

I had a bad feeling about Garrett. I was afraid that he was going to do something bad.

I walked to his side of the room. I saw a picture of the park, covered in red "X"'s.

Triple chocolate fudge.

I grabbed a jacket and some shoes, I think that's what they are called.

I ran through the doorframe, which was a bad idea because the door was not open.

I rubbed my nose. Ouch.

I shook it off and continued on my journey.

It was chilly, not literally the food, more like, a little cold.

Earth vocabulary is weird.

I finally reached the park.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Warm air hit the cold air, making a sort of hazy fog come from my mouth.

Kinda like a vape but natural and doesn't smell as good.

I jumped the park fence, again. A weird sense of deja vu washed over me. Almost like at the beach.

Just less salty.

I looked up.

It's just as salty.

"Surprise betch."



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