Chapter Sex

24 2 7

Gender bender chapter.

Garrettrisha's POV

I sat in annoyance as Alex stuffed her face with as much ice cream as alien possible.

How was she not fat?

Alex looked up at me. I huffed.

"Do you want some?" Alex asked.

"No, it'll ruin my low-carb-no-sugar-only-plants-actually-this-is-just-vegan diet." I said.

Alex looked confused.

"Oh kay." She said.

Ugh, she could have forced me to eat it!

Just then, we walked by my mortal enemy. Park.

Ugh, her and Alex make me want to vomit, only on her of course, because Alex is queen.

I love Alex, but she loves park. Park doesn't deserve Alex.

The next thing I knew, I grabbed Alex's ice cream and shoved it onto the park's soil.

"Hey! The park didn't deserve that! And my ice cream didn't either!" Alex said.

"Oh so now you're making out with ice cream? You, I can't even say it!" I yelled. I was so upset at Alex, first it was the park, now it was ice cream.

"You just threw my ice cream on the park, and now you're yelling at me for no reason. I don't understand." Alex said, almost calmly.

"You're cheating on me! With the park and with ice cream! I know you are!" I said, storming off.

"What the f-" I couldn't hear the rest of Alex's sentence, as I was out of range.

"GARRETTRISHA COME BACK!" Alex yelled, running through the not-so-crowded sidewalk.

People whirled their heads around, shocked at my strange but beautiful name.

I walked faster, I knew Alex noticed.

"Garrettrisha, come back!" Alex said, loudly.

"No!" I started running. I didn't care where to, I was upset.

Alex caught my wrist.

"Let go of my glove!" I said.

"...You aren't wearing glove- anyway. Calm down. I don't know what I did, but I apologize. I just want to be friends with you like we were." Alex said.

Friends. That word stung. I wanted to be more than friends. I wanted to be best friends.

I looked away, and bit my lip.

"Okay, I'm sorry I got jealous." I apologized.

"I don't even know what you were jealous of." Alex said.

"Me either."



To the Park and BackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang