Chapter Ate

19 1 0

Park's POV

Alex came for me even though I was closed to the public! It's true love!

I hoped that one day I could go on dates with my dear Alex.

Today was peaceful, and because I was closed, there were no people.

Hey, I just rhymed. One point for me.

Alex and I sat in silence.

I was still sort of upset at a girl throwing ice cream on me. The other girl looked a lot like my Alex, but I prefer him better.

Mainly because I'm gay.

"Why do you think that people would close off something so great?" Alex asked.

It's too bad that I couldn't answer. I used my emotions to answer, like an interpretive dance.

"Really?" Alex laughed.

I don't know what I did, but I mean I got him to laugh so okay.

Then, I saw him.

My mortal enemy. The one that is trying to take my Alex away.


He was coming this way. It began to make me upset.

Alex could feel it too. He looked up at Garrett.

Garrett came closer, and closer, until he reached Alex.

Then, he pulled out..........gasp............a picnic basket!

Where did he even hide that?

He sat down, and threw the basket on me.

Well screw you too bud.

"Hey Garrett, I thought you had school." Alex said.

"Oh, I have school alright, I have school." Garrett said.

"Uhh, okay." Alex said, picking up a sandwich.

"Eat up." Garrett said.

I warned Alex. He should not eat anything that Garrett brings or I will reject him.

It was a lie, but I don't like Garrett hanging around.

Alex set the food down.

"So let's talk about you, Garrett." Alex said.

"What do you want to know." He replied.

"Just why you came here instead of school." Alex said.

"No reason." Garrett said.

"Okay." Alex totally fell for it. I didn't believe him one bit.

Oh well, that won't backfire on us.



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