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Alex's POV

I sipped from my rainbow coffee mug. It was a present from Garrett.

He had been put in jail, and had only recently gotten out.

I looked outside. A foggy haze sat over the ground.

I stood up, put my mug down and walked outside.

I put on my shoes, taking a minute to redo them, as I put them on the wrong feet.

I admired the view as I walked.

I walked past many stores, different aromas came from each one. I stopped when I saw a particular one.

They were selling flags, but a certain one caught my eye. It was rainbow.

I grabbed it, purchased it, and walked back outside.

I figured that I would give it to Garrett later, as a thanks for the mug.

I fiddled with the plastic bag that said flag was in. That action caused a strange noise.

I walked past the gates. Memories flooded my mind, although I visited here often.

I decided that today would be the day that I finally visited that cursed spot from two years prior.

There I found, surprisingly, was Garrett. He was staring at the bullet hole left in the park's slide.

I walked up behind him.


He jumped and turned around.

"A-Alex, hi." Garrett stuttered back.

It must have been hard, seeing me in the same spot after two years. He did confess to loving me.

The memory of the police taking him away was still fresh in my mind. I don't think I'll ever forget it.

Garrett went silently, he didn't resist in the slightest. He said one last thing to me before they put him in the back of that police car.

"I'm sorry."

And that was the last thing I heard him say, until now at least.

"It's been awhile, huh?" I said, starting some small talk.

"Yeah, two years." Garrett replies, then shakes his head.

"Sounds like we have a lot to catch up on." I said, taking a good look at Garrett.

He was definitely older, his face had matured very much.

His eyes widened in shock, then looked back at me.

"Y-You still want to be my friend? Even after what I did?" Garrett said.

"Let's start by being acquaintances, we'll work our way up from there." I replied. Garrett smiled.

"Shall we go get some coffee?" He asked.

I put my hands up.

"I just had a cup. But some ice cream sounds good." I smiled.

And on our way we went.


A few years later, I gathered enough money to purchase the park. We would never be separated again.

From here on out, it would just be me, the park, and our friend, Garrett.




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