CH30:False Realities

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The voice came to him in darkness. It was a familiar one, that voice, nudging him to lean in closer and tuck the sound of it into the cradle of arm, if only so he could keep feeling safe for just a little bit longer.

Ienari opened his eyes, teary and confused, only to stare straight at his brother.

"Tsu-nii." he whispered, reaching out to grab his hand, only for his brother to pull away.

"Tsu-nii, why won't you look at me? Did I do something wrong?"

Tsuna's lips twisted into faint disgust.

"Aren't you tired, Ie-kun?"


"Aren't you tired of crying all the time? Always begging for help. Always useless. Aren't you tired?"

And even now, Ienari could feel those traitorous tears begin to well.

"What are you saying, Tsu-nii?" His heart was aching. He wanted his brother back; the one that was kind and smiled and didn't look at him like that.

"Even if you aren't tired, I am, Ienari. I'm leaving."



"But you promised, Tsu-nii! You said— You said you'd get me home!

Tsuna turned away, but Ienari could still picture the smile on his face, cruel and unforgiving.

"Well, I lied, Ienari."

He began to walk away.


Wait... come back—


His eyes snapped open, and he barely managed to bite back a scream. He was shattering. He was shattered. Left behind and lied to. Useless, stupid, naive.

It was a nightmare. It always was a nightmare. His brother was long gone – or maybe he had never even existed in the first place.

How ironic, really. That the brother he had loved had never so much even taken a second look at him.

He closed his eyes and bit down on his lips.

I'll make you sorry you ever lied to me, Tsuna.

I'll make you pay.


"Tsuna, are you alright?"

Tsuna blinked, startling slightly as he turned to face Yamamoto.

"Oh," he said, frowning slightly. "I just... had a bad feeling, suddenly."

"Is that why you're melting the cup in your hands?"

"What?" Tsuna gaped, blanching at the melting cup in his hands before he quickly set it on the coffee table and reigned in his flames.

"Ah... I didn't mean to do that," he chuckled, somewhat sheepish.

I liked that cup too...

...More importantly, the seals on you are weakening.


Your flames are getting stronger. I think they're finally coming back.

I guess that's a good thing, then?

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