Funtime Chica x Reader

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A.N. Okay, so this is the very first one-shot! Also, be prepared as updates might be really slow! So I apologize in advance! Also, the art that is shown in this book does not belong to me at all! I don't take credit for it at all! This art of Funtime Chica was created by Wolf-con-f on Deviantart. They're pretty cool! So check them out!

Working with a bunch of animatronics was weird. At least, you always thought it was. It just felt off to work while surrounded by them. It's a good thing that most of them didn't try to kill you (like the one's in the past). Except for the scraps that now roam the halls at night and try to gut you like a fish at any chance they get.

Although, out of all the animatronics that you have seen and met over the years, you would have to say that Funtime Chica was your favorite.

She was nice, but it didn't stop there. She has a very fiery and feisty personality. Not to mention, she's an amazing fire performer (which was pretty impressive if you were honest). She likes trying new things. And will often motivate the others to keep going, even when they gave up. Also, her sweets that she bakes in the kitchen from time to time are to die for.

So, safe to say that you may have developed a little crush on her. Okay...maybe it was a big crush, but you were willing to die with this secret. Although, lately it's been getting harder and harder for you to just ignore these feelings or push them aside. So, you finally decided to do something about it.

You were going to bake something for Funtime Chica, to help confess to her. If she returned your feeling, then you would probably be even happier coming to work everyday (even with killer animatronics at night). If she rejected you shivered, you didn't really like thinking about that option, even if it was a high possibility.

Walking through what was like a sea of screaming and excited children, you finally made it to the kitchen door. You weren't crazy, it's not like you were an amazing cook so you made sure to ask someone for help. Rockstar Chica.

Pushing the door you walked into the kitchen and saw Rockstar Chica over by a counter in the far corner. Smiling and feeling confident about this whole plan, you swiftly walked over to her.

Seeing you coming Rockstar Chica looked up and smiled. "Are you ready to bake something today, (y/n)?"

Rubbing your neck you looked away bashfully before responding. "Uh, well, if you really think that she'll like it. I'm willing to do anything!"

"Oh, I'm sure she'll love it!"

With newfound confidence you looked up at Rockstar Chica and replied while nodding your head. "Then let's get started!"

Wow, cooking was way harder than you thought. Way harder than you thought. You were glad that Rockstar Chica has a lot of patience, otherwise your sure that she would've just pushed out f the kitchen by now and cooked the things herself. It was simple, you were going o give Funtime Chica a batch of chocolate chip cookies, and confess to her. (Although, the closer it got to the end of the day the more nervous and anxious you seemed to get).

After the last batch was finished Rockstar Chica handed the cookies to you in a heart-shaped box. Now, all you had to do was find Funtime Chica to give these to her.

Nodding your head in thanks to Rockstar Chica, you walked out of the kitchen and began your journey. This pizzeria was huge. You were hoping to at least find Funtime Chica before your night shift, and you had to deal with the scraps.

Walking around children running everywhere and dodging flying pizza you made it to the other side of the room and began to look in the other rooms to see if Funtime Chica was around anywhere.

After looking in the third room, you grumbled and sighed, who would've thought that it was gonna be this hard to find an animatronic.

Continuing on you nearly ran into a kid that ran out of the next room you were planning on checking. Mumbling an 'I'm sorry' and an 'Excuse me' you entered the room. Glancing everywhere you finally spotted her.

Gaining enough courage you calmly walked up to her. She was apparently in the middle of performing for a kid, although it looked like the kid was getting antsy.

Ruffling the kid's hair she stood up and watched as the kid ran off to join their friends. Finally noticing your presence in the process she looked over at you and smiled.

"Hey, (y/n)! How are you doing today?"

"Uh, well, I'm good. How are you?"

"Ah, well, I'm doing the same as always. Amazing!"

standing for a few moments in silence, you spoke up again. "Hey, uh, Chica. Can I talk to you privately please? I want to tell you something."

Looking surprised for a few seconds, she finally regained her composure and nodded her head. "Yeah, sure! Here let's go over here."

Following her through the room, she lead you to a little private room over in the corner. It was a storage room. The pizzeria seemed to have a lot of these.

'Probably perfect for the scraps to hide in.'

Turning around Funtime Chica looked at you expectantly, waiting to see what you wanted to talk about. Which if you were being honest did not help to ease your nerves, at all.

Gulping you took the box of cookies from behind your back and hesitantly handed them out to her.

"Uh, I- um, made these for, well-" Man trying to confess was way harder than you thought it was gonna be.

In front of you Funtime Chica smiled, before slightly smirking.

Taking a deep breath you finally looked her straight in the eyes. "I made these cookies, for you. Cause I wanted to tell you that I-I, well, I-"

"You what?"

"I love you Chica!" Blushing a lot you looked at everything else but her. Maybe yelling how you felt wasn't really a good thing to do. But, you were taken out of your thoughts when you heard her chuckling lightly.

Staring at her, she was indeed laughing. You were hoping that it wasn't at you, though.

Finally regaining her breath, she looked back at you and smiled.

"Aw, I love you too, you big goof!"

Was-was she serious? Or did she mean I love you as a best friend?

"Do you mean you really love me? Or?"

"Of course, goofball. I was wondering when you would confess."

Blushing, you smiled and laughed lightly. I guess you were worried over nothing.

"Now, hand me those cookies, please."

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