Rachel x Doug

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A.N. Okay, this was requested by @racheltherabbit21.  So, I hope you enjoy!

Also, the art was created by Wolf-con-f on Deviantart. So I don't take credit for it at all!

Also, Italics means thoughts. Like, the characters are thinking, they aren't saying that out loud. Just to clear that up.

Another day at Doug 'n Rachel's. It was like any other day. People came in and gave gifts, one's that they thought were special enough, to Rachel. Doug couldn't blame them. Rachel was beautiful, she was practically the main attraction.

However, Doug wasn't the only one who thought Rachel was pretty. Ray thought so too. He often wished that he has enough confidence and guts to walk up to her and just chat with her. Which was why he loathed Doug. He always thought that, that good for nothing mutt would steal Rachel away from Ray. And I suppose Ray, in a way was right.

For while Ray was watching Rachel's fan-club give her gifts Doug had run off to form a plan of giving his own gift to Rachel.

Doug went to a secret room in the way back of the establishment. When they had first arrived here he had claimed it as his own room. Walking through the doorway, he sat at a small desk that was in one of the corners. He was thinking, about what he could give to Rachel.

~Doug's P.O.V~

Maybe I could give her a little slice of carrot cake? With a little candle in it? No, that's probably been overdone so many times. Come on think Doug! Think!

Oh! Maybe, a necklace would work? Yeah! That should do it! Where am I gonna get a pretty necklace at this time, though? Oh, maybe one of the others knows something!

I hurriedly got up and ran out of the room. Running down the hallway I stopped every few seconds just to check in the other rooms on the way, to see if any of the others were in there. When the room was clear I continued down the hallway

While reaching the end of the hallway I spotted Pete. Yes! Finally, he should know how to help!

Running over towards hm, I skidded to a stop and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey! Pete my man. I need your help with something!"

Pete turned around and lightly smiled at me, before furrowing his brow and getting confused. "What do you need help with? Did you break something again?"

"What? NO! I want to ask you if you know where I can get a necklace. It's really important!"

Pete grabbed his chin in thought and started to brainstorm to help. He finally looked back up at me. "Hm, have you tried looking around in the lost and found? Usually a customer will leave something behind. maybe they left behind a necklace."

"You know, that's not a bad idea! Why didn't I think of that? Thanks Pete! Your a life saver!"

Running off I sped my way towards the room with the lost and found stuff. I just hoped that they had a necklace in there.

Spotting the room I sped up and finally made it. Entering through the doorway I glanced around and started to look through the boxes.

Come on! Come on! There's gotta be something in here! Anything!

My eyes finally landed on a bright shiny purple. I quickly grabbed the jewelry, which was cold to the touch.

Probably from being in the back room for so long.

Wagging my tail excitedly, I quickly ran out of the room to find Rachel.

I can't wait to see the look on her face when I give this to her!

Turning the corner I nearly ran into Bane, the large bull just about knocked me off my feet. Looking up at him I grinned and greeted him.

"Hey, Bane! What's up? Quick question, have you seen Rachel around?"

"Yeah, uh, I just saw her in the dining room. She's sitting on the stage."


Running off I made my way to the main room. Skidding to a stop I looked around the room until my eyes landed on Rachel, on the stage just where Bane said she would be.

She looked like she was deep in thought. Quietly walking over to her, I hid the necklace behind my back and grew more excited by the second.

I hope she likes it.

"Hey, Rachel!"

Snapping back to reality she looked towards me. She looked startled for a second, but quickly erased it with a grin.

"Oh, hello Doug! What are you doing?"

"I, uh, I wanted to give you something. Since, you know, we're together and all. I thought you would like it."

"Oh! Thank you! What is it?"

"Um, here!" I pulled the necklace from behind my back and thrusted it out towards her.

She seemed surprised by it for a few seconds before regaining her composure.

"Oh! Wow." She slowly took the necklace from my hands and held it in her hands while inspecting it.

After standing there in silence for a few seconds I spoke up.

"You don't like it, do you?"

"No, that's not it, it's just, so pretty. Thank you Doug!"

Blushing a little bit I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Oh! Uh, thank you."

"Can you help me out it on?"

"Uh, sure!"

Taking the necklace from her, she turned around and lifted up her hair so it would be easier. I put the necklace around her and hooked it together from the back. Stepping back I watched as she turned back around to look down at it, then back up at me.

She smiled, and I think I blushed even more.

"Oh, it's so beautiful, Doug."

She got up and walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Well, not as beautiful as you! Plus, it matches your eyes!"

Giggling she stood up on her toes and gave me a kiss. Closing my eyes, I happily returned it to her.

~No one's P.O.V~

While Rachel and Doug were having their happy moment, Ray was watching them from the shadows, close to a corner.

He hoped that some day, he would be the one to kiss Rachel like that. Not that dog! Maybe, he'll get him soon.

Yeah! -Ray thought- Someday Rachel will be with me! And that dog won't ever get in the way, ever again!

Smiling under his bandana, Ray walked away from the scene knowing that someday he'll get his chance.

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