Shadow Rachel x Reader

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A.N. Ah, yes. Another one of my most favorite characters. This rockstar needs more love!

The art was made by none other than the amazing Wolf-con-f. So I do not take credit for it!

Working at Doug 'n Rachel's was really weird. Mostly cause of two animatronics. Although, one was more of a puppet and the other more of a shadow.

The first time you cam here with Axel, to help him out, you met the Thing and Shadow Rachel. You found them to be really odd, although you didn't judge them too much. Especially since they were probably the only one's in the whole building that weren't focused on trying to kill you both.

The Thing simply brushed you off and instead just went straight to Axel, like any other night. Although, it seemed Shadow Rachel was much more interested in you.

She simply only asked you a few questions and when you answered she grinned and nodded her head. But, soon she turned her attention back to Thing trying to persuade Axel to kiss him.

You had thought nothing of it at the time, although it seemed that you were wrong.

Weeks later, you had returned to Doug 'n Rachel's, although this time you were alone. A week earlier Axel had explained everything to you and taught you how to do everything.

He also had to tell the Thing that he wouldn't be here for a while. (And the Thing was definitely not happy about that.) But, he quickly accepted (or reluctantly, did) and promised to leave you alone.

Walking into the building, you stopped to quickly look around the dining hall, where the main animatronics were. They were still, almost like statues. Although, you knew that once midnight came around they would be moving, and trying to kill you.

Shivering from the thought you quickly continued your way to the office.

Walking through the doorway you sat down and glanced around the one place you'll be spending the next few hours. You gladly shouldn't have to worry about Thing too much. Since Axel wasn't here he most likely would just stay inside his little coffin in the backroom.

Looking at the clock on the monitor you realized that it was finally midnight. Well, looks like it was time for hell to start.

Quickly looking through the camera's you were shocked to see that they were all gone, all of them, off the stage. Even Rachel! And she barely even moves!

Becoming slightly panicked you clicked through the rest of the camera's to see just how close they were to you.

Although hearing a bang as if someone knocked on the wall you looked up to see Doug the dog, glaring at you from the doorway in front of you.

Jumping you quickly tried to press the door button but it was too late.

He was inside the office and coming straight for you.

Standing up you backed away from the chair before his fist could come into contact with your head.

Growling, he glared up at you with black eyes and white pupils.

Your P.O.V.

"Uh, um, nice doggie,, heh, just, don't kill me, please. Do you wanna treat? Something like that?"


"I uh, I guess not, huh? Unless, I'm the treat then."

Oh God, what do I do?? He's coming closer,, and there's no way I'm gonna be able to run away from him. Besides, what if I run into one of the others out there?

Closing my eyes, I curled up in the corner of the office and covered my face with my hands. 

Well, I guess this is it. I suppose I had a good run. Well, kind of a good run anyway.

................................................................Wait, I hear, fighting??

Opening my eyes, I gasped in shock. Doug was being ripped apart by none other than Shadow Rachel! Currently she had one of Doug's arms in her hands about to tear it off, and it looks like she also tore off one of his ears.

Or, at least broke it.

Normal P.O.V.

Grunting, Shadow Rachel finally just pushed the collie back down before standing up.

"Now get out of here you dumb mutt! Before I rip your tail off and shove it down your throat!"

Whining Doug quickly scampered off, out the way he came in.

"Yeah! And tell all the others what you saw too!"

Sighing she turned towards you and smiled, or, well, it looked more like a smirk, which is what she usually does.

"Are you alright?"

"Wha? What? What just happened? Why did you protect me?"

"Duh, I thought it'd be obvious by now! I like you, you moron!"

Doing a double-take you quickly stood up and walked over to her.

"Wait, really? I uh, wow, um, may I give you a thank you present then?"

Seeming suspicious she narrowed her eyes at you before nodding her head. "Sure, I don't mind."

Smiling to yourself, you moved forward and lightly pecked her on her lips. Pulling away, you smiled widely at her as the 6 a.m. chime went off.

"Well, I better get going then!" Quickly you ran out the door, leaving a shocked and frozen Shadow Rachel in her place.

Although that didn't last for long as she quickly shook her head, and ran after you.

"No way!! Get back here! We aren't finished yet!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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