Simon x Strings

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A.N. I apologize for taking so long to write this! I was trying to think of a scenarios or how it should end. Plus everything apparently decided to distract me from everywhere else, which came out of nowhere. I hope you enjoy though! @Sparkle-galaxy


'Check cameras. Stop the weasel. Heat vents. Check cameras. Stop the weasel. Heat vents.'

Every night for Strings was always the same. As soon as the clock struck midnight, she went through the same routine again and again. Even though, deep down she wasn't really scared or worried about being attacked by the others. She still had a job to do, and she was going to do it right.

Although, it seems this night would be different.

While Strings was too busy checking the cameras the door to the main office slammed open. Startled, Strings quickly turned around only to see Simon, standing in the doorway. And he was smirking while looking directly at her.

"How's my favorite and beautiful little nightguard doing?" Walking away from the door, Simon made his way towards Strings and where she was sitting.

"I'm doing fine, Simon. And I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Why though? It's true! I don't see why you continue with the same routine anyway. I mean, with me here, the others are definitely going to stay away."

Turning away from him, Strings flipped through the cameras using the phone she was given. "I still like to be safe than play it risky Simon."

Suddenly though, the phone was ripped right out of her hands. This time though, it wasn't the Squirrel sisters that were responsible for it. No, this time, it was Simon. And right now he seemed too smug for his own good.

Blinking a couple of times, Strings finally looked up at Simon from where she sat. "Simon?"

"Yes, my dear?"

"Give me back the phone, please."

"Nope! You gotta catch me first!" Right after muttering those words, Simon quickly turned around and ran off in a different direction than the one to the office. Acting on instinct, Strings quickly got up and followed suit, right after Simon, which was laughing the whole way.

Turning the corner, Simon skidded on his feet before continuing down the hallway. Strings, which wasn't too far behind, copied Simon and stopped before turning the corner and chasing after him.

Glancing behind him, Simon smirked seeing Strings was nowhere in sight. Turning back around, while continuing to run away, he suddenly crashed into something or someone.

Falling to the ground, Simon groaned while holding his head and laying on the ground. Opening his eyes, he slightly lifted his head and looked over at what or who it was he ran into. Upon seeing it was Strings, he released a breath he didn't even know he was holding before setting his head back down.

"Strings, I know I'm irresistible, but you don't need to crash into me, you know. You could've just asked."

Making a slight 'hpmf' sound Strings slowly lifted the top half of her body of the ground using her elbows for support, so she could see Simon better.

"Well, you also didn't need to steal my phone and run off with it like a little kid."

"I didn't steal it! I, uh, borrowed it. Besides, I wanted to have fun with you! Not watch you stare at a monitor all night. Until tomorrow night. When you, oh, I don't know, do the same thing!"

"It's my job to watch the place, Simon. I'm doing what I have to."

"Come on, Strings! At least admit that you had fun when we were both running around. With not a care in the world!" Lifting himself off the ground, Simon sat upright so he could see Strings clearer.

Stopping, Strings thought for a moment and realized that she would be lying if she said that she hadn't thought it was fun.

"Well, I guess your right. I did have fun. Even if we did crash into each other."

Slowly rising to her feet, Strings picked up the phone off the ground and started to head back to her little office. Although, she stopped and turned towards Simon.

"Simon, there's something I want to tell you."

Simon suddenly found the energy to quickly get up to his feet and looked at Strings. A little confused but yet excited for what she was gonna say.

However, instead of saying anything Strings moved forward and pushed her lips against Simon's, giving him a little peck on the lips. Stepping back, Strings lightly smiled before turning around and walking back to the office.

Frozen, Simon stood there in the middle of the hallway with a huge blush on his face. Then, he lightly smiled as well, as he got excited about seeing Strings the next night.

'See you tomorrow, Strings.'

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