Candy x reader x Cindy (multiple endings)

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A.N. Okay, so I'm trying to finish up some other requests. But I thought that in the mean time I would upload this and the endings. Also, a fair note, now that school is starting back up I might not have a lot of time to write more one-shots for this book. It's not abandoned! Things will just update really slowly.

Hope you enjoy!

(The art is not mine. It was created by Wolf on deviantart)

Italics - thoughts

Walking into the restaurant, Candy's Burgers and Fries, you sighed. It wasn't that you didn't like your job there, but you wish they would at least give you a heads up for when someone couldn't make it to their shift. Now here you were, getting prepared for the nightshift that you didn't even want to do in the first place. After all, you have heard rumors about what the animatronics are like at night. And let's just say that you did not enjoy them at all. Why couldn't your boss pick someone else to do it?

'Let's just get this over with quick so I can get home and back to my bed faster.'

You had decided to get there a little early to get used to your surroundings a little more and the office itself. It's not often you work overtime or during the night at all, so the place definitely looked quite different. It was nearly dark, although there were a few lights here and there. Not a lot to make it extremely bright, but at the same time just enough light to see. The place was also nearly empty, no kids running around screaming, no parents watching their kids play, or looking at their cellphones, just emptiness. And with that, the place was also extremely quiet; well mostly quiet. You could still hear some of the pipes working throughout the building, but other than that there weren't too many other loud noises.

Although walking into the main hall you stopped when you heard fighting.

'Odd. It sounds like it's coming from the main party room.'

Turning towards the entrance to said room you started walking to it until you walked right in. Stopping short, you noticed the fighting was coming from the twins, while they were in their human form. Which you weren't so surprised to see anymore ever since you first started working here. Although you were freaked out the first time they turned human.

Deciding to see what they were arguing about you starting heading towards them, although while getting closer to them you could make out some words they were both saying.

'Something about, they're mine? What does that mean?'

As soon as you got right next to them you could hear them even clearer than before.

"They would obviously love me more since they probably wouldn't want to be with someone who bosses them around constantly!"

"Yeah, well they probably wouldn't want to choose you since they would just have to keep cleaning up after you! Why don't you use some manners? Oh wait, I forgot, you don't have any! Slob!"

"Says the person who clearly has no manners for personal space! Why don't you get off my back, huh? Maybe then, I will get some manners! And maybe I'll also take my job as the boss seriously!"

"Uh, are you guys alright? What's going on?"

Jumping, the twins turned to look at you, not expecting you to be here this late. Before you could apologize about frightening them though, Cindy spoke up first.

"Oh, uh, (y/n) what are you still doing here?"

"Oh, the nightguard wasn't feeling good so they quickly called me here to fill in for tonight. Do you guys usually argue this loud after hours?"

"Well, um, actually-" However, the tsundere female was quickly interrupted by her brother.

"(Y/N), tell my bossy 'know-it-all sister' here that you like me more!"

Taken-aback, you took a step back with a shocked expression. You didn't expect him to suddenly interrupt like that and you certainly didn't expect him to say that of all things out of nowhere. Before you could reply however his sister, Cindy, beat you to it.

"Pff, as if! (Y/N), tell my slob of a brother that you like me more!"

Looking back and forth between the two, you watched as they slowly got back to arguing the same way as when you first walked in. Sighing, you turned around and started to head to the office. With all of this arguing going on you were going to get a headache, and quick.

Exiting the main party room, you started to slowly make your way to the office, on your way though your mind starts to drift to the twins. Which one would you pick? What if you did pick Candy? That would certainly make Cindy upset, wouldn't it? But perhaps you could Cindy instead. But then Candy would just get all grumpy. Or at least, a little more grumpy than normal. Would they hate you for not being able to pick at all?

If you didn't pick soon then their fighting might cause too much trouble for everyone and the establishment itself. After all, when you were leaving the main party room you caught a quick glance of Penguin. And boy, he did not look like he was enjoying his life at the moment when hearing the arguing.

Nearly at the office, you continued to think about who you would choose.

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