Cindy x reader (ending)

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A.N. Here's the Cindy ending. I kinda like how this one turned out a little more than the Candy one. Plus! That cat cupcake picture? I drew that! And it turned out so cute! Now I wish they made real cupcakes like that. It's also on y deviantart as well.

Hope you guys enjoy!

You didn't completely make it all the way into the office before you realized who you wanted to pick. Cindy was always a beautiful woman and sure she comes off as bossy, but you knew for a fact that she didn't completely like to show her real self to others. Candy was always a bit much anyway, with being kinda a slob and not really taking his job seriously at all. So you knew where Cindy was coming from. She was most likely just stressed that the manager would get rid of Candy if he didn't do his job seriously.

Turning back around you decided to get something for Cindy to help with your confession to her. You didn't know what it would be quite yet, but on your way back to where the twins were, you thought of something. You didn't really know if Cindy loved sweets, but you thought she would still appreciate it, especially if it was from you.

'I know! I'll make her a cupcake!' Smiling to yourself, you made your way towards the kitchen. Although, you stopped right in front of the entrance to the main party room and listened. ...Arguing, so they were still fighting!

'Perhaps if I stick to the tables and the corners while being quiet I can sneak past and get to the kitchen.'

Quietly opening the door and slipping inside, you crouched down and slowly made your way towards the kitchen. While on your way you noticed the floor was sparkly clean to the point where you swear you could see your reflection in it.

'Huh, I guess Penguin cleaned up this area. Probably wanted to get it done with so he wouldn't have to hear the twins arguing.'

Finally making it to the kitchen door, you quietly opened it from behind you while you kept a watchful eye on the twins arguing on the stage. Just to be sure they didn't hear anything.

Entering the room you noticed it was quite clean in here as well. Walking forward you nearly tripped over Penguin himself. Looking down you slightly smiled and greeted him then proceeded to find some ingredients for making a cupcake.

Looking through a number of cabinets you got out all the things you needed and set them on the counter. The last thing you needed was some food-coloring containers. Grabbing the two that would make the color purple you turned around to walk back to the counter with the other ingredients on it only to nearly trip again.

Glancing down you realized it was Penguin again. Although this time he didn't look too happy, mostly just confused with what you were doing. If you could make a guess, you would say that he didn't like how you were messing up the kitchen he just cleaned.

"Don't worry, penguin. I promise not to make too big of a mess and clean up when I'm done."

Somehow being settled with your answer, he moved back and headed out towards the door before finally disappearing. Sighing in relief, after he was gone you started on making the cupcake. You were planning on making it look like Cindy herself, as a little purple cat. You thought the idea would seem cute enough and decided to get to work.

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