Fan-Game Crushes

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A.N. Okay, so as the title says this one is only all the fan-games. I'll upload a separate thing for the regular fnaf games. Also, I might go back and add a few fan-games too! But, for now, enjoy!

Also, I am taking requests!


Candy~He would try to impress you and flirt with you. Although, he would be so nervous that he'll screw up and make himself look like an idiot.

Cindy~Tsundere. She'll protect her crush indirectly, which means that her crush doesn't even know that she's doing that. She'll also leave gifts from a secret admirer to her crush. And she'll watch her crush react to the gifts from behind a corner.

Chester~He's pretty nervous. Although, he doesn't show it. He's also confused. He's never felt like this before so he kind of doesn't know what's happening.

Blank~She's had crushes before. And with every one, she'll always be too shy and nervous to do something. So you might have be the one to make a move/initiate it.

Penguin~He always acts refined. So, he'll be sure to act civilized and composed to his crush. However, deep down he is just as nervous as everyone else.

Old Candy~Very weird. He doesn't really know how to tell you. So, he keeps a close eye on you to make sure the others don't harm you. He'll get really nervous and flustered if you pay attention to him.

RAT~He kind of acts like a tsundere too. He'll act like he doesn't care what happens to them, but then later you'll probably find him yelling at the others to stay the hell away or else he'll tear them to shreds.

CAT~Very possessive and charming. He'll use his suave and persuasive voice to flirt with you and win you over. He'll also act possessive over you even if you two aren't together yet. He see's you as his and no body else's.

Hanry~He'll try to make conversation with his crush. And talk to them about witchcraft and books in general. He often scares off his crushes soon though, when they catch him making a pentagram. However, if you stay then he'll know for sure your a keeper.

Shadow Candy~Tries to always catch his crush's attention with pranks. He'll loudly get their attention on him, then when they're looking he'll initiate the prank. He might try to flirt with you too.

Vinnie/Reverse Puppet~She'll try to use her threads to tie you up (and sometimes they might end up choking you). Although its more to get your attention than to use for anything dirty. She might get close to using them like that, though.

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Monster RAT~ One word. Nervous. This poor boy is so nervous that he is going to hurt you and scare you off. Like, he can't speak. So it's not like he can just tell you he likes you. So, he'll show affection in other ways to get your attention. He'll nuzzle his head into your shoulder/cheek/neck. And wrap his long tail around you. He hopes you don't run away screaming from him.

Monster CAT~ He's all charm. On the outside he looks all calm and cool. But on he inside he's slightly freaking out that he might say something that will offend you and push you away. So, he tries real hard to get you to stay. And when he has you right where he wants you, he'll confess to you.

Monster Vinnie~ She's probably a huge tsundere. "Pf, I'm not in love, nor do I have a crush! I just don't see the point in killing them." You should probably take that as a compliment, because she mostly ends her victims right away to fulfill her revenge. The more you hang out with her and stay alive, the more her crush grows on you.

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