Candy x reader (ending)

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A.N. Here's ending one, with Candy. Hope you guys enjoy!

(the image is not mine. I found it on a google search.)

Upon entering the office where you would be for the next few hours, you realized that you probably wouldn't be a good match with Cindy. It's not that you hated her, it's just that your personalities might clash too much for it to be a real and actual stable relationship.

With that thought in mind, you quickly glanced at the clock.

'10:30. I guess I got here earlier than I thought. But that does give me some time to get something to use to confess to Candy. Well, I guess there's no time to waste.'

Quickly exiting the office you made your way back to the main hall, using the way you came. Stopping you could still hear them fighting in the party room. You probably had enough time to make a gift or something until the stopped fighting. But what would you give him?

'Ah! I know! A rose should do the trick! But, I can't just leave and then quickly come back. The boss might get mad and think I'm trying to get out of the nightshift.'

Looking around you kept thinking of an idea. Before your eyes landed on a poster. The poster looked a little torn up and there were a few stains here and there; most likely from kids throwing their food around. But it was what was on the poster that gave you an idea. On the poster was Blank. You had met the shy girl before, which you were actually surprised t find since it seemed like everyone else including some kids, called Blank a 'he'. She didn't seem to mind too much though. But the thought of Blank gave you an idea.

'If I can somehow sneak into the drawing room past the twins maybe I can get inside and make an origami rose for Candy!'

Quietly peeking into the room, you glanced at the entrance of the drawing room before looking towards the twins. If you crawled then you could most likely sneak past them without them knowing, especially since the table and seats would block you from their view.

'Alright, let's do this!' Slowly but surely, you crouched down and moved towards the drawing room. While still being careful not to make any noise. They did have cat ears after all so they could most likely hear better than a normal person can.

You eventually made it in front of the drawing room entrance and quietly snuck in without the twins noticing. Standing back up at full height with your back against the door, you glanced around the room, and sure enough Blank was there in the corner. Although, she still looked like she was 'asleep' so to speak. As she wasn't really moving at all; as if she didn't even know you entered the room.

Continuing to look around your eyes fell on a pile of scrap paper.

'Perfect. Now I just gotta make a rose, which shouldn't be too hard.' Your not an expert or anything but you do know all the basics of origami.

Moving forward, you gently grabbed a piece of red paper, to match Candy's tie and red cheeks, and found some green for the stem on the rose. Sitting down cross-legged, you quickly, yet gently, got t work on creating the rose. As soon as you were done you went and grabbed another piece of paper. This time a lined one that was in the pile. Setting it on a hard surface, you began to write out your confession along the lines.

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