Chapter 6: A Gift

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It would seem I unintentionally confused people about the joint Trial-Grand Trial. However, this should clear things up immensely, so I won't bother explaining myself. That said, on to Chapter 6, my friends!

Chapter 6

A Gift

"Find the captain, huh? Should be easy enough, right, Pikachu?" Ash asked of his companion on his shoulder. Pikachu seemed distracted a moment, staring off at where Gladion and Silvally had vanished. Of course, Ash hoped that they'd all be okay with the battle that was looming on the horizon, too, but now wasn't the time for the focus to be on that. "Pikachu, if we want to help the others, we have to focus on this right now, okay?"

"Pi...Pika!" Pikachu agreed, fastening himself into a stern expression in preparation for the trial ahead. Ash grinned at him and faced forward, looking in to the Seafolk Village. Hapu had stepped aside, as if to speak with Kahili at length.

Now that his trial had supposedly begun, Ash took the time to look more properly at the village that rested before him. In the setting sun, it made everything look almost amber in color, and made it doubly more peaceful, as well. Since some of the village's work on the water seemed to be winding down for the day, most people were making their way back inside the various buildings around the area, each one having its own distinct shape as they floated on pontoons. A large group was heading for a very large building that, judging from the smells inside, was a restaurant. Others were going to their rather unique homes or the Pokémon Center (which at a second glance, looked just as different as the rest of the village). The only building that looked to actually be completely shutting down was something that looked like a Ceremony Hall, though like the rest of the village, it was completely different from any other he'd seen before. In fact, he was so interested in that unique feel from the building that he turned to Serena.

"Is that a Ceremony Hall? 'Cause, I didn't think they had Ceremonies here," he said. His girlfriend stepped forward, placing a hand on his shoulder while she seemed to adjust her shoe.

"It is. This is the only Ceremony held on the island, though," Serena told him, now placing her foot down. "Jessie won her third Lei here, actually. But Poni having such a small population is the reason only three Leis are needed instead of four."

"Oh. That's interesting," Ash said. He actually didn't find it all that captivating, and Serena seemed to know that, because she laughed before sliding her hand down his arm to take his hand in hers. Then, she smiled a little.

"Come on. I know someone who can help, I think," she said. It felt nice, her hand in his again. The touch of her fingers on his skin was electrifying, much more than it had been a month ago. Then again, he'd grown immensely, and some of that part that grew was the one that yearned for his girlfriend, even if he never vocalized it to the somewhat aloof Kahili. Had he not been in the middle of his trial, he'd have actually liked to go to somewhere else and just spend time with her.

But now wasn't the time for that.

"Uh...well, only if..." Ash looked over to Kahili and Hapu, trying to make sure whether it was in the rules for him to be allowed help from Serena. His eyes caught on to the shorter woman's own gaze and she nodded with a smile, her bushy black hair flying about. Taking that as a yes, he squeezed Serena's hand a little, as if indicating for her to lead the way.

She did just that, pulling him along with confidence as he and Pikachu just went along for the ride. He was surprised by how strong Serena had grown in the physical sense, even though he wasn't exactly resisting her pull. A while ago, he never would have imagined that spending a month apart would make them all grow immensely, but seeing Serena's extra confidence, conviction and strength, he knew it was for the best. Even for himself, who had yet to find his answers, he had grown. Now, Ash couldn't wait to see Clemont, Bonnie and Lillie again.

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