Chapter 24: A Summoning

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A short chapter to kick off the climax here, though I'm surprised at how many people missed the short, but suggestive, line last chapter. Some of you didn't, though. But now it's time for Chapter 24!

Chapter 24

A Summoning

Ash's feet beat along the hallway, holding tight to Serena as he ran, hoping to get ahead of any movement from the crowd to the outside. She kept pace with him, only utilizing any other movement to take her hat off and shove it inside her bag. Greninja and Pikachu were right there with them, both of them keeping pace and looking ready to attack anyone that would stall them. Ash didn't look back, not needing to know the support they were receiving from Kukui and Akela. He simply firmed up his resolve to do what needed to be done, and what he promised.

The couple broke into the atrium of the League stadium, currently quiet, though beginning to grow louder from some spectators that were hoping to make it down to the stadium floor. They probably wanted to meet with the victorious duo, and Ash felt a little bad about flaking them off, but he wasn't about to stop. Instead, he just nodded to some of the policemen that were standing around the area, having moved in during the interim of the match. In seconds, he caught sight of Looker, who turned and nodded, directing his fellow officers around the area.

Vrrruuuum. The sound made Ash pull to a stop, being so sudden and expected. He turned to look to Serena, who had definitely heard it as well, considering her widened eyes. However, neither Pikachu nor Greninja seemed to hear a thing, or if they did, they weren't stopping. The only reason he considered that they hadn't heard were the officers, who weren't reacting. Perhaps it was a thing for those chosen by the Tapus, but Ash wasn't sure.

"Hurry," Serena breathed out, and Ash stopped wasting his time. He let go of her hand and they ran for the outside, blasting through the doors. The second they were past them, the police that were stationed at the doors grabbed the entrances and pulled them shut, as if to lock them. Ash and Serena both skidded to a stop and Ash dug right into his backpack, pulling out the old flute.

"Here goes," he said, and he blew straight into the flute. It had been a long month or so since he'd last seen Latias, but he had to figure she would still be around, likely vacationing in Alola until the time had come. The sound from the flute was almost silent, too high-pitched to hear, yet melodic all the same. As soon as the note was played, Ash shoved his flute into his pocket and waited for just a second. "What do you think that sound was earlier?"

"No idea. Could be something to do with the Z-Rings, I guess...or maybe we're just attuned to the sound of the Ultra Space. Maybe it's starting to crack wide open." He supposed either of Serena's guesses were possible.

"Kuuuuuuu!" came a cry, one familiar to both of their ears. Looking up towards the night sky, darker than usual due to a lack of stars from all the overlapping, Ash could see a shape flit across it and then dive downward. He reached his hand upwards and waved, right before Latias landed directly in front of them.

"Glad to see you," he called to his father's old partner. Ash reached forward, patting her gently as she nuzzled into it. Pikachu also jumped on top of her head, greeting her joyously. "Hope you're doing well, because it's time."

"Can we count on you?" Serena asked, also reaching over to pet her. Latias nodded, lowering just a little more so that the remainder of their small party could climb on to her back. Ash made sure to sit front, while Serena gripped him from behind and Greninja hung to the back. It was rather considerate of him, especially when he didn't know what Pokémon he'd need to use for the battle ahead. Thankfully, the battle with Kukui and Akela hadn't damaged him or tired him out, his steadfast partner quickly recovering.

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