Chapter 14: A Celebration

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Well, here we go. Final run up through to the end of the trilogy. I hope you'll all enjoy every chapter from here on out. Chapter 14 time!

Chapter 14

A Celebration

"It's finally here! In less than twenty-four hours, the regional event of the millennium is set to begin!" the familiar voice echoed all around the air. Despite the loudness of the voice, no one in the area actually reacted to it, bustling around with the air of excitement that exuded from all of them. "We're here to bring you all of the great coverage surrounding these two events that won't be forgotten for a long time! Be sure to see some blistering hot battles, engaging performances, and an excitement that will last far longer than the events taking place!"

"It looks so awesome!" Bonnie cheered out once the announcement had finished. Serena had to agree as to how impressive it all was. She breathed in, Ash at her side, as they stared at the area around them.

"Mount Lanakila, finally. You ready for this, Pikachu?" Ash asked of his partner, his eyes scanning the entire location carefully. Pikachu perked up on his shoulder, indicating how ready they were for battle. Greninja was still to the side, silent in nature. Serena took the moment to look at the area all around them, herself. Even from just a cursory glance, it was evident the extent of care and detail to which the League and Alolan officials had poured in to constructing this entire place. Despite the cold snow falling, people were walking in between the little buildings that represented the trainer's village on Mount Lanakila. It could have easily been mistaken for a long-term village, if one looked at it.

There was even an ancient building that looked something like a castle of some sort. Not only that, but as Serena's eyes finally settled upon the stadium, she could see that the exterior was still remarkably reminiscent of older times, even if all the shots of the inside (taken from screens outside) spoke to its modernity. Placing a hand over to her wrist and her blue ribbon, she drew encouragement, ready to make the final stride for the Hope Leilani. Ash was also speaking calmly, hands in his pockets, unaffected by the cold all around them.

"The others should be here by now, huh?" he spoke, walking just a little forward and bending slightly. His eyes were clearly searching the diverse crowd to look for their group of friends. Serena did as well, but was ultimately unable to find sight of any of them, though she could swear she caught sight of what looked like Nanu and Looker amidst the crowd, rapidly conversing about something. Although, considering they vanished in seconds, she was sure it was just a trick on her eyes.

"Guys, why don't you get to registering?" Lillie asked, walking forward. She was digging in her bag, pulling out a hat and jacket, for the cold, that she placed upon her head and body. "We don't want you all to miss out on the Alolan event of the millennium!"

"Right, we should do that," Ash said, finally straightening up. Serena could tell from his tone just how much he wanted to train with his Pokémon in preparation for the upcoming League, but he didn't show his usual signs of antsy behavior. "Come on, Serena!"

"Wha-Hold on, Ash!" Serena cried as Ash grabbed ahold of her wrist and began pulling her forward. She tried to catch up, but eventually just ran into the flow for the large building that was attached to the stadium. Some people, mostly young children, were pointing at them as they ran, as if recognizing Serena to their parents, but the honey blonde didn't have the chance to stop and wave. She did wonder if her other rivals were already here (she had no doubt Jessie was).

"All right! This is so exciting! Isn't it, Clemont?" Bonnie was cheering as the other three trailed behind them, Greninja acting like a bodyguard for them.

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