Chapter 26: A Beast

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I know you've all been waiting for what's to come this chapter. Naturally, it's the last time in this story I used XY&Z to write it, though the timing would be difficult to describe. I very much hope you enjoy Chapter 26!

Chapter 26

A Beast

"So, you're still alive," Gladion spat, their entire group facing down the "big and bad" boss of Team Skull. Ash watched the older man. Something was off about him, his grin leering and lopsided. He looked almost unhinged, if Ash was completely honest, but managed to retain his sense of self through it all. Nebby and Lunala seemed to prepare their bodies to strike. Ash flicked his eyes around, and Lillie seemed to get the message, placing her hand on Nebby to calm him down.

"Not now," she whispered. Ash focused on Guzma, seeing him toss his pokeball up and down with that ever-leering grin. The leader of Team Skull was staring between Ash and Gladion, while Pikachu and Silvally came forward, growling at the man. "We need to save our strength. Right, Komala?"

"Malaaaaaa..." Komala agreed, yawning loudly, but Ash could feel the tension that was ratcheting upwards between each and every member of the group that was there before Guzma. Nebby didn't relax, but he nodded his large head to indicate that he had heard, and would honor, Lillie's request. As Ash stepped forward, Lunala pulled back, her large wings shielding Team Rocket and Clemont. Hau tensed up.

"Guzma, move out of the way," Ash said calmly, filled with purpose. Guzma finally fixated the leering grin solely upon him. He stopped tossing the pokeball, catching it before he started chuckling. That chuckling grew and grew in the creepiest of fashions until it became a full-on burst of laughter as his head tipped backwards.

"Ahahahahahahahaha!" he roared raucously. There was no echo in the space, and Ash kept watching as Pikachu pawed at the ground. Finally, Guzma's head snapped down, scowling at him angrily. "Y'all are stupid! Comin' here! Did ya even have half a brain?"

"We came here because we had to," Ash spoke clearly and concisely. With his words, his friends all tensed even further than before, ready for battle. Even Team Rocket and their Pokémon, who were very obviously scared out of their minds, prepared to fight against him. "We came here to stop Lusamine. Stop the Ultra Beasts. And I came here for you."

"Me?" Guzma laughed out, though the scowl was ever present on his face while he did so. "Like I give a damn! I made a promise to the president, and I'm seein' it through, kid. No one like you is gonna stop me."

"And what promise is that?" Ash asked. He took another step forward, Pikachu and Greninja with him. They were filled with purpose radiating around him, something Guzma seemed to almost flinch at, but didn't turn away from. "Is it worth so much to destroy the world you were born into? Your family? Because if it is, I don't think you're thinking for yourself, Guzma."

"Shut up!" came the snappy retort. Ash watched Guzma's body language as it also tensed, just the same as his opponents. Even in his unhinged state, he was dangerous...perhaps even more than he was before. The reason was quite obvious to Ash: a month or more in the Ultra Space, without the protection of either of the legendary Pokémon would no doubt manage to drive anyone crazy. He had to wonder Lusamine's own state. "I don't need to be lectured by some kid! I know what I am! I'm strong! I'm destruction incarnate! The bad boss that beats you down and beats you down and never lets up! I'm your boy, Guzma!"

"You're not 'my boy'," Ash said, and now his body was shifting into an attack stance. He wasn't about to let this conversation continue on pointlessly. Greninja and Pikachu got ready. "I don't care what you say you are, because it's obvious to me that you've lost it, Guzma. Now, move, or we'll make you move!"

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