Chapter 13: An Elite

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This is a moment that's been building, and you know what it means when I say XY&Z gets another use this chapter. So, without further ado, onwards to Chapter 13!

Chapter 13

An Elite

Following Y's departure from the campsite, Ash and the others all quickly made sure to take stock of their own things before choosing to return to the boat. Serena hung back a moment longer, examining the space that her father must have inhabited for years. While Lillie led the others on, Ash stayed there with her, just standing there in silence as she ran her hand over the various papers and other objects. She even kneeled next to the box of Z-Crystals collected there.

"You want one?" she asked jokingly, reaching in and holding one up. Pikachu was off to the side, rummaging around in the tent that Y had left behind, but backing out due to some rotted berries that appeared to be in there. Greninja just shook his head and continued to watch silently.

"Nah, I've got more than enough Z-Crystals," Ash said humorously. Pikachu returned to his shoulder now, almost sharing a slight laugh with him. Serena shrugged and dropped the crystal back inside. "Maybe you should take one, though. I mean, they are your dad's. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, and it could come in handy."

"Mm, you have a point," Serena admitted. Ash watched her as she shrugged again and this time decided to grab and keep one of the Steelium-Z, placing it right on to her Z-Ring and watching it be absorbed. That settled, like she had a small piece of her father to keep with her, she spun around, her skirt flaring out. Ash watched her with a smile, happy to see her so light and airy again. It was the exact Serena he remembered, if a bit more matured. The battle may have been ahead, he figured, but they still had their joy where they could find it.

Ash even wanted to hold her right then and there and just spend a moment between the two of them, but looking to the slightly lightening sky, he knew they had spent much of the night talking about the new plan for the Day of Stars, which left very little of it for anything else. Plus, he had a promise to keep; one that truly mattered to him more than anything. For that, he needed some time, and sleep. Ash's hand reached up and scratched Pikachu on the head while Serena once more approached, clearly ready to go. He reached out to take her own hand and the two began to walk away from the campsite. Greninja put out the fire with a shuriken and then escorted them back through the forest. For the first time, Ash noticed that there were no Pokémon sounds in the area; just a simple, wafting and calming breeze that flowed across the lake and through the trees.

Maybe it was a sign of the devastation that had been wreaked in this place six years ago, yet Ash happened to find it peaceful, breathing in the cool air. The couple continued to walk on, soon approaching the steps to the ruins and walking up them. The rest of their group appeared to have gone on ahead, not wanting to linger much in that place of darkness, and for good reason. Even now, the portal seemed swirling and sinister before them, despite being silent, as well. The couple both tensed, even though they knew what would have to be done in the near future. Inside, Ash had to wonder just what this "darkness" was and what it could portend, but Pikachu's shuddering just drew him away from those thoughts, allowing him to refocus.

At the edge of the ruins, closest to Oricorio Town, the rest of the group was waiting. Rotom and Bonnie were yawning loudly, almost falling asleep where they stood (or floated, in the former's case). Ash felt a little fatigue, himself, almost going three days without little more than a small nap. He even began to yawn as they set back off. Oricorio Town was still silent with that same sort of sleepy feeling that was starting to take over all of them. Now that the adrenaline of knowing what needed to be done was flushing out of their system, they were all feeling positively exhausted. Ash was surprised they were even able to make it back to the boat in their current state, finding the driver to also be asleep at the wheel. He didn't wake on their approach.

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