Chapter 30: A Goodbye

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Well, this is it. The final chapter of the Alola Trilogy. It's been quite a journey. I hope you enjoy this final chapter, and I'll see you at the bottom! Alola to Chapter 30!

Chapter 30

A Goodbye

"Reports are still coming in from a week ago when the strange portals appeared in the sky, all over the world," a voice spoke from the television in the café. Y looked up, crossing his legs as he sipped on his coffee cup. It felt like it had been a while since he'd truly stepped foot into civilization, barring his brief stint in attending the League and Hope Leilani. "At the moment, the Pokémon League has confirmed that there was a known, large-scale assault from an undisclosed force. Details on this specific force are still unknown to the general public. However, there are a number of other details that have been made plain."

"I'm sure there are," Y chuckled out sardonically. He winced, pain smarting at his chest. No one around him reacted, which was something he preferred, if he was to be honest with himself. No one knew that he had fought alongside Kahili, holding back the storm of Ultra Beasts from the Lake of the Moone. It was better that way, if the news reports were any indication. He could already imagine what was happening now, the League likely meeting, following the battle, to discuss what had happened on the Day of Stars. He had his own thoughts on the matter, but they were pushed to the back burner at the sound of more words from the television, others in the café staring with rapt fascination. Y's pen clicked against the surface of the table.

"What we can report to you is that, knowing the extent of the mysterious force of creatures that attacked numerous cities, the League organized a number of trainers together. These trainers, headed by none other than Honor of Kalos recipients Ash Ketchum and Serena, also the winners of the esteemed Hope Leilani in the Alola region, as well as its first Alola League, managed to succeed in pushing back the enemies which brutally assaulted various locations.

"The worst extent of this damage seems to have occurred throughout the Alola region, with numerous cities and towns damaged, despite the protection of its Kahunas and captains," the reporter continued, shuffling through her notes, though not really needing them. Y continued to tap his pen on the table. "However, as seen from this footage, construction continues along swimmingly in repairing all of the cities, with the heaviest damage done to Hau'oli City. Amazingly, it's docks and airport were all protected immaculately by their island's very own Totem Pokémon, and departures will resume shortly."

Y reached over to sip some more on his coffee as he watched the television set. For reporters, they almost seemed rather poor, missing out on any number of the details regarding the Ultra Beasts. Then again, he supposed the League wanted to keep it that way. It hardly mattered to him. His eyes grazed over the paper in front of him, only a couple words written on its surface, and he sighed a little. Usually it was so easy for him to write, yet this time, there seemed to be so much more to say. He briefly looked out the window of the café in Malie City, staring up at Mount Lanakila. No doubt she was there already for the events that would take place tomorrow. He couldn't be prouder, even if he'd decided to not attend, keeping with her in spirit.

"In less fortunate news, the president of the Aether Foundation, Lusamine, lost her life in this particular battle for our world," the reporter spoke, her voice far more solemn, befitting the somber news. Y would have snorted, knowing full well the lie that had been disseminated in order to avoid yet another scandal like his counterpart and Lysandre Labs. "At the request of the family, we were not allowed to report on it until the funeral at sea was held. Official sources say that her son and heir will take over as President of the Aether Foundation, already announcing a striking new direction for the Foundation."

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