Ode to summer.

115 30 21

The sky lightens
And the morning brightens.
The colors spread
As I get out of bed.

The air is cool,
And the breeze is calm.
The birds sing their song
Like the windchimes ring all day long.

The sun is warm,
As the animals graze
On the farm
Without a care,
They stay there.

The days are long,
And we have to mow the lawn.
The children play,
And it's a beautiful day.

The sun sinks down
Over a small little town.
The fire flies dance
And the stars prance
Under the night skies
As we close our eyes.

Another summer day has come and gone
With many memories made since dawn.
Life is short
And so is summer.
Enjoy it for what it's worth
And let the summer days
Drift on away.


Alright. I hope you liked this poem. If you did, please hit the star and leave a comment. Thank you.

Infinite thoughts.|✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang