Chapter One

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Your name is Shota Aizawa.
You just got accepted into Plus Ultra, to train to become a professional hero. This has always been your dream job, but you are too introverted and shy to actually be a popular hero. Once you graduate, you'll probably just become an underground-nightly hero that no one really knows.
You are happy you got accepted, yet scared...
What if your quirk isn't that helpful?
What if you don't make any new friends... like you promised Hizashi, your best friend?
School starts next week, so you get all your worrying out now.
You play with your kitten, that you just call, well, Cat.
You are bad with naming things...
You get a text from Hizashi.
"Shota wanna hang out? i'm vry bored."
Well, it's not like you have anything better to do...
"When and where?" You ask.
"how about in 15 minutes @ the park?" Your blonde bestie suggests.
"Sure. See you then."
You put on a plain white sweater over your tank top, with a navy blue scarf. You slide on your boots and start walking to the agreed destination. It was about a 5 minute walk, so you sit on one of the park benches, and wait. After a good 20 minutes of waiting, you FINALLY see that loud, obnoxious... cute... wait what? you didn't just think he was cute... you're just tired, not thinking straight... Yeah. That's it.
Well, you see your loud, obnoxious, cockatoo-like friend walk over to you, and wave.
You wave back.
"What took you so long, idiot?" you tease.
"This hair doesn't do itself, Aizawa." Your late friend gleams.
You hate that about him.
He's too perky, and justified, and just, well, laid back. You envy this about Hizashi.
Yet you keep it to yourself, and bury it deep down.
"Fair enough..." you say in your natural, monotone voice.
You guys take a nice walk around the park, cherry tree blossoms falling around you two... you can't help but to wonder what's going on in your *totally platonic* date's head...
He is talking about all of the 'hot super-babes' he's going to meet at Plus Ultra... even though to you, you don't really want that... you don't know why.
You feel nervous for some reason, and your chest feels tight...
You didn't feel like this earlier! Why now?
one of the cherry tree petals fall right on your nose, you sneeze a little.
Hizashi laughs...
your face feels hot...
<End of chapter One>

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