Chapter Eight

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You see that people are talking to Shota, but they don't really look too friendly...
So you walk up, and sit next to Shota. He obviously looks awkward, like he doesn't know what to say, because this has always been the Shota Aizawa you know and love.
You are too gay for him, you are surprised he never noticed your deep affection for him...
Is he just that oblivious, or does he just not care?
You get lost in thought, and the bell rings, and you snap out of it.
Poor Aizawa looks so sad, and out of place here. Everyone looks so perky, and happy.
Then you look at Aizawa again.
You almost feel bad.
Everyone gets up and walks out of the classroom.
You realize that your teacher...
Gran Torino...? You think?
He was talking the entire time!!
You walk up to Aizawa and ask what he was talking about.
"He's going to evaluate each of our skills and rank us or something. We are going to the locker room to change, I think." Shota says, looking at his feet.
"Holy crap, thanks! You are a life savor." I praise, giving him a little hug.
Aizawa smiles at this faintly, and it is just too pure for this world.
"Any time... I guess." He says, walking to the locker room.
I walk with him, wondering about the people he was talking about before class.
"So, did you know those two people that where talking to you before class?" You ask, trying to make small talk.
"Well, OBVIOUSLY." He starts, sarcastically. "They are literally my BEST friends, because I didn't grow up with only ONE childhood friend by my side, for as long as I remember, DUH." He continues, more sarcastic than the start.
"Ok, Ok, I get it Aizawa." You chuckle.
You two walk into your locker room to find your designated lockers, and you guys change into your 'P.E. Uniform.' You dare not look at each other changing, because you don't want to make things awkward. Then, you jog out to the field, Shota not that far behind.
<End of Chapter 8>

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