Some Fluff-First Date

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You try your best to manage your hair, and find a nice outfit for your first date with Hizashi. You are extremely nervous, yet excited. You decided to go on a picnic with him. You both thought it was pretty romantic.
You check the time, and you have more than enough time luckily.
You find a casual, yet nice outfit to wear, and you put it on.
You grab the food you said you would bring for the date, and your wallet, and walk out the door.
You walk to the flower shop, to get a nice gift for Hizashi, and you get him a nice bouquet of Daffodils. You hope he likes them...

~Time skip to the date~

You give your date the flowers, trying to keep it together... you are already nervous, and it hasn't even been 5 minutes!
"Awww, thanks Shota! I feel bad now because I didn't get anything for you..." Your date exclaims.
"It's fine..." You mumble.
He sets the flowers down, and sets up the picnic blanket, as you get out the food. 
You guys eat, while cracking some very cheesy jokes and puns...
Then Hizashi kisses you.
On the lips.
You let his tongue slip into your mouth, as you kiss him back, trying to meet the same intensity.
You both stop, since you guys need to BREATHE. (that exists.)

(well, i think it does.)

You are too in shock to say anything, and all Hizashi does is smile.

Boy, was that awkward... yet nice.
You would kill to do it again.

After a minute of silence, you manage to make conversation with him again, as if that kiss never happened, but you both know that it did.
And you both want it to happen again...
You check the time.
It's already been 3 Hours.
Time seems to fly when you are with him.
"It's starting to get late. We have school tomorrow..." You say reluctantly.
"Well, it's not like this is the only date we will ever have..." He tells you.
"Well, I'll walk you home, since your house is closer." He offers.
"I'd like that." You admit.
He's grinning ear to ear...
You both start to clean up, and he takes your hand.
How cute.
You start walking with him, back to your residence, holding hands. You really wish this moment would last forever. 
After a short walk, and some small conversation about Plus Ultra, and the students there, you reach your doorstep.
"Thanks for everything tonight..." You quietly grin.
He awkwardly smiles, and pecks you on the cheek.
"Thank you too..." Hizashi says.
"Goodnight!" You both way, at the same time.
You wave as you open your door, and he waves back.
You close the door after you get indoors.
"I love you..." You whisper


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