Chapter Six

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What just happened...?
You saw Aizawa tossing and turning, while crying in his sleep, so you tried to wake him up, and he flipped out and ran...
Whatever that dream was, it must have been terrible...
You put on your shoes and a jacket and you go out looking for him.
You can't help but to wonder what that nightmare even was.
You are curious, but you don't want to hurt him by having him talk about it.

~Small time skip~

After 30 minutes of searching, you think you see him in the park!
You walk up to Shota, and he is shaking.
Aizawa sees you and automatically runs  up to you, and hugs you.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have ran from you." He says.
"What even happened?!" You ask, in case he does want to open up.
"Another nightmare." He says, still shaking.
"This has happened before?" You question.
"Remember how I was occasionally late to school in the past?" Shota vaguely answers, calming down.
"Why didn't you tell me these things?!" You hug him tighter.
"I didn't want to worry anyone. It kept happening, but I couldn't afford any help. It's why I want to become a hero. So I can get enough money, also so I could get mentally and physically stronger." He says, sorrowfully.
"I'm sorry..." He apologizes again, and let's go of you.
You never knew any of this...
Is he that good at hiding things, or are you that crappy of a friend?
"I'm so sorry to hear that! You can always come to me, Shota. I may not be a certified therapist, but, I'm better than nothing, right?"
He nods, smiling a little. It looks like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.
You feel like you'd do anything for him.
"Want to talk about it?" You ask.
<End of chapter Six>

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