Exactly As Planned

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A girl walked up to Suzui during lunch. She smiled at him. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. She had a big smile on her face and was very excited. Suzui looked at her.

"Are you Suzui?" The girl asked.

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I'm Haruhi Suzumiya and I'd like to gamble with you!"


Midari ran into the classroom and quickly dropped the note on Yumeko's desk then ran out. She didn't wait this time, she ran straight to the bathroom and hid in one of the stalls. Her heart still pounding and her breath heavy. Suddenly, Midari began laughing like a lunatic. She couldn't believe it! Her plan was working! The girl Midari had paid was going to gamble with Suzui! That would keep him busy while Midari met with Yumeko and confessed her love. After calming down, Midari headed back to class. It was going exactly as planned and she couldn't believe it. Midari couldn't contain the happiness and showed it through a big, bright smile. Throughout class, Midari could barely focus. Finally, she'd be able to confess to Yumeko! The final bell sounded and Midari rushed out of the room, racing towards Yumeko's class. She shoved by students then stepped outside Yumeko's class. Inside would be Yumeko waiting for Midari in all her beautiful glory. Midari took a deep breath and waited for all the students to file out. For a second, Midari froze. She had thought that she saw a glimpse of Yumeko leaving with Suzui. Before she could truly check to know for sure, the pair was gone. Midari ignoring it, passing it off as just her nerves making her see things. Once all the students had gone, the moment came. Midari walked into the classroom, but stopped immediately. She couldn't believe what she saw. No... She thought.

Yo. I didn't know who else to choose so I put Haruhi Suzumiya in there. I'm only like episode 10 of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. But whatever. I'ma just leave it here for a few days even though I have 2 other parts already written out. I think I'm gonna type them up then just leave them there and not publish them yet. Just cause. Anyway, I'm gonna go update my other story. So later.

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