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The rest of the mutants sat outside on a bench as they waited for Charles and Eric to come back from wherever they went to.

Abbey had began to bite her nails. A habit she did every time she was nervous and or scared. Her hands slightly shook as did her body.

"You alright?" Alex asked as he stood in front of Abbey.

Abbey took her hands away from her mouth and held them in front of her face. Her hands still shook.

"No," Abbey replied silently.

"Me neither." Alex said.

"Are you alright?" Charles said as he ran towards the group, "what happened?"

"Shaw came and attacked us," Raven said, "he took Angel and killed Darwin."

"You want Revenge?" Eric asked suddenly, "revenge for the death of Darwin?"

"Eric." Charles warned.

"I want to crush Shaw's skull." Alex muttered.

"Charles," Raven stood up, "we can't even bury Darwin's body!"

Charles thought about it, a few minutes passed by. Then, he sighed and motioned his head for the mutants to follow him.

❌ ❌ ❌

"This is your house?" Abbey exclaimed as she looked towards the mansion.

"It was passed down." Charles said as he walked towards the house. "Training starts tomorrow, best to get your rest, you're going to need it tomorrow."

Abbey walked towards Charles.

"I need to talk to you, about something."

Charles looked at her for a few seconds, then he slightly nodded his head.

"Alright," Eric started towards the house, "time to get settled."

❌ ❌ ❌

"What did you need to talk to me about?" Charles asked as Abbey entered his room.

Abbey's hands were shaking, they looked like they were glowing red. As Abbey walked more into the room, she passed by a mirror and saw that her hazel eyes were now glowing red. Her heart rate increased as she tried not to freak out.

"Abbey?" Charles looked towards the girl. His eyes widened at her condition.

"I don't know what's going on." Abbey seemed scared, "this has never happened to me before."

"You really can't control your powers?" Charles asked as he eyed the girl.

Abbey nodded her head. Deep down, she knew she could control her powers. but something kept her from doing so. It was almost as if Abbey was keeping herself from doing so.

Charles knew, that Abbey could control her powers, her abilities. But, he couldn't see what was stopping her. Almost as if one of Abbey's memories was blurred out, just to keep Charles away. That one memory, was the reason why Abbey seemed like she couldn't control her powers.

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